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Only a Financial Risk

Wenger talking about the decision not to sell Theo in January

"A successful season is more important for us than this risk that is only a financial risk, apart from the losing the player," added the Arsenal manager.
"If we sell him, we lose him anyway."
"What is important is what we achieve together for the season. I just think that Theo is a big part in that."

um.... Arsene? I'm sure we heard this kind of thing in summer regarding VP, but even so, 'only a financial risk'

Does anyone think this could be the start of a big culture shift at Arsenal? We've heard it time and time again from Ivan that once we get our new sponsorship deals in place, we'll be competing a lot better financially, but for Arsene to state that he is going to risk £20M plus by letting Theo go on a free is very unusual.

Personally I think it's great, it at least shows that we are TRYING to hold onto our best players, even if he goes on free at the end of the season.

sauce : http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20394509

posted on 20/11/12

To powerkingh:

Even if we are run as an academy as you say, the simple fact is we cant force Theo to join another club in January if he doesnt want to, so our options are to accept that he'll leave on a free to the highest bidder at the end of his contract & freeze him out of the 1st team.(which we did already but unfortunately it backfired)

The other option is give him an offer he cant refuse and sell him anyway in the summer!

But hopefully the parties involve will reach an agreeable compromise that leaves everyone, but we can only dream

The simple fact is if we let him go on a free, the wages and transfer fee for a replacement could instead be used to improve the contract offered to Theo, so to me its a no brainer.

Unless we have no intention of replacing him, which really wouldn't be a surprise

posted on 20/11/12

I know what your saying but Wenger has told so many whoppers I find it hard to believe him. If Theo isn't signed up by the end of Nxt month he's gone imo. Apparently goal.com are reporting a breakthrough in contract negotiations but its prob 99% bs.

posted on 20/11/12

Even if we are run as an academy as you say, the simple fact is we cant force Theo to join another club in January if he doesnt want to
Actually you can. You can sell the players registration. It is then up to the player to agree a new contract with the new club. Thats how transfers work.

posted on 20/11/12

so if he doesnt agree the contract with another club then he doesnt move. therefore we cannot force that

posted on 21/11/12

To Jenius99:
Actually you can. You can sell the players registration. It is then up to the player to agree a new contract with the new club. Thats how transfers work.

But if Theo doesnt want to join that club and both partys' cant reach a contract agreement, he'll have to return to Arsenal

Basically we cant force him to leave in January, he knows he'll get a better deal if he waits till the summer and the club would probably wait as they can get him for feck all in the summer!

we of all clubs should know this, we did it with both Sol & Chamakh.

posted on 21/11/12

But if Theo doesnt want to join that club and both partys' cant reach a contract agreement, he'll have to return to Arsenal
Not really. What you are doing is transferring the remaining part of the contract to the new club. In the past (before Bosman) the registration remained even after the contract finished. But that was found to be illegal under European contract law.

So now the registration is the contract itself. In Theo's case he would have to play for the other club till the summer. And if doesn't he would be in breach of his contract and in big trouble. So if the club is adamant to sell, a new contract by the buying club really isn't a sticking point. Players have been transferred against their wishes numerous times.

posted on 21/11/12

To Jenius99:

So in essence all we would be doing is selling the last 6 months of Theo's contract to another club and he'll then be a free agent in the summer! Right?!

I cant think of any club that would be stupid enough to do that

Apart from maybe Chelsea

Going back to your point, the contract a player signs is between the player & the club, and a player's registration cannot be transferred to another club without the players consent/agreement.

Likewise Theo cant just decide to have his contract transferred to Barca cos he likes Spain.

posted on 21/11/12

So in essence all we would be doing is selling the last 6 months of Theo's contract to another club and he'll then be a free agent in the summer! Right?!

Yes. And thats why its in the benefit of the buying club to agree a new contract. So if Stoke wanted to buy Theo I doubt Arsenal will be able to sell. But if Liverpool, or Chelsea or Man City came in, it may not be Theo's first choice but he will agree to the transfer.

Going back to your point, the contract a player signs is between the player & the club, and a player's registration cannot be transferred to another club without the players consent/agreement.

It can. Because you are transferring the contract to the new club. So lets take the example of Song. He was probably on around £65k a week and had 3 years remaining. Barca wanted him. Because he had 3 years remaining Barca could have said we will continue to pay you £65k a week for 3 years. But because Barca paid £15m transfer fee it is in Barca's interest to have a contract longer than 3 years. So they negotiate a new longer contract with the player. They technically didn't have to. And because Song was 3 years at 65k, the new contract they negotiate eg 5 years, would not be much more than £65k because they are only really getting a 2 year extension to the 3 years he already has left.

Obviously it is better to have a happy player than a unhappy one. And players are worth more to sell-on if they have long contracts so its always in the club interest to agree a new long contract with a transfer.

posted on 21/11/12

I see what you're getting at Jenius

I just hope he extends his contract with us.

posted on 21/11/12

I just hope he extends his contract with us.

Totally agree.

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