posted on 12/12/12
its what happens when RFL keep pushing clubs to upgrade their stadiums or forcing them to build new ones to carry on the Super League dream,I could understand it if Rugby League in the UK was a big spectator sport,shame on the RFL if Salford fold.
posted on 14/12/12
Perhaps new owners within a week?
posted on 17/12/12
Barra makes a good & valid point. The RFL is making life difficult to those clubs that don't particularly have a large fanbase, but are expected to upgrade their stadium as a condition of entering SL.
To me this sounds like elitism. In other words the RFL don't want to upset potential investors & TV sponsors such as Sky, by showing games in front of "old shed" grounds! Doesn't matter if the team plays quality rugby, the RFL also want them to have shiny stadia in order to fool investors into thinking the SL is a modern & expanding example of RL football in the UK.
Sorry, RFL. Time to take those class-driven specs off, and face the hard reality that you're helping to kill some of those grand old clubs with your unrealistic demands. (unless of course you're the London Broncos - in which case the RFL will do anything to retain their membership!!)