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Randy Orton? Yay or Nay?

With reports of a heel turn imminent for the monotone one, where do you stand on the wrestler, character, and the hypothetical move to turn him?

I’ll confess where Orton’s concerned; I descend into the blind fan boy mentality. As with your favourite James Bond, he was the one I grew up with and therefore the sentimental favourite by default, and where others found the bland canvas which gave birth to Randy Boreton, I discovered heel wrestling perfection. And as such, converting this psychologically damaged monster who’d single headedly held my interest in WWE since 2007 into a hyper bipolar abomination of his former self was the cause of my personal sabbatical before Punk’s revolution racked me back in like many others. And unless any heel turn arrangements involve butchering the foundations of his character in recent times, that’s the direction you’d expect him to go back down once he established any change.

As far as his portrayal of the bad guy goes, the legend killer was alright, the juvenile douche was ok, but the methodical psycho was as good a character performance to hit the mark of ‘disturbingly corrupt’ as I’ve seen within WWE’s universe (Eddie Guerrero’s rendition of the same basic formula in his feud against Mysterio was also exceptional). When built up properly, that’s the heel that only gathers personal strength and fan momentum win lose or draw, as made evident by Eddie’s feud with Mysterio being founded on his failure to defeat Rey. And unlike many other typical wrestling templates, it doesn’t require expressionistic mic skills or a larger than life personality, but a discipline and demeanour which projects something everyone responds to, calm authority. When Michael Myers does nothing but patiently stalk his victims, biding his time we translate that as dominance where we perceive Freddy Kruger’s constant narcissism as a sign of inferiority. Orton didn’t need to be verbally charismatic to transmit strength, nor did he need to wrestle at a ratio of 5 impact moves per second, his character at the time was so far beyond needing to sell anything but his ideology. When he cut a robotic ‘Boreton’ promo, his body language, eyes and facial expressions were projecting one thing – dominance (it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it). When he had his opponent in the headlock for 2 minutes straight, stumped out at stray limbs one at a time, looked into the camera/crowd with a out of body look in his eyes he was projecting one thing – dominance. It’s these demonstrations of discipline and control which make that Randy Orton character carry more presence than this current CM Punk character for example who does nothing but flash his metaphorical knifes for fingers in our face.

One of the most frustrating things about the nature of his face turn was it made a point of reversing pretty much everything I admired about that particular Orton character, suddenly he’s moving across the ring like a turbo jet, adopting his own 5 move exploding heart technique, smiling like a sycophant. I eagerly anticipate the day this fool once again gets adsorbed by the demon which kept me invested in WWE two years after they’d mentally driven me away

posted on 5/1/13

Again, they have to be careful how they turn him. He is a main event heel therefore should be treated as one. Unlike Punk, Orton is a simple heel, no airs no graces just bad to the bone. So a slow bake turn wouldn't work! He needs to attack someone who has the wwe universe in his hands... Someone like sheamus. However the best way is to play to his unrivalled evil and for him to attack...A diva or 2, now I know this sounds character diminishing, but think about it, imagine the best way to get heat FAST! The wwe universe will be Plunged into an immediate moral corner and will have to turn on him. Most other characters would then fall into the coward frame, but because of who Randy is and represents, it may just work to set him up as a complete sociopath who is unpredictable and devoid of taboo constraints.

Either way he is never a face, he sits in his own category and deserves to be interpreted as he truly is, an evil sod!!

posted on 5/1/13

For me the best way for him to turn heel would be to join The Shield. The Shield works when it's 3 on 1 or 3 on 2, but when it's anymore they lose out on the numbers game. They need to grow their numbers, Orton would be a good addition!

posted on 5/1/13

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posted on 5/1/13

awesome heel

average face

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 5/1/13

Gibsy, in response to their general fanbase getting much smarter, the WWE love playing out these scenarios where they keep people guessing on a face/heel turn for weeks, sometimes months. Even Punk whose change was definitive, wrongly i agree, had this for about 3 weeks until he started physically attacking Lawler.

Lets take up you're attacking a diva concept (which doesn't discredit him at all, his DDT/kiss on Stephanie is iconic to me), they'd probably play out something where by he 'accidentally' clotheslines a diva in a mixed tag match, his partner takes issue with his unapologetic reaction, the diva in question forms an attachment with his partner and it develops from there to a point in time where either he's pushed into reveling a true motive or attacking the diva once more in a direct attempt to send a message for his male rival he'll have the PPV match with.

I don't want a quick bipolar filp either, the only person that ever works with is Kane

posted on 5/1/13

if Orton really does turn heel, I may consider watching wwe again after stopping last month. Orton is the best wwe heel ever lived

posted on 5/1/13

Banega...agree! Although Brett heel was a work of art tho!

comment by Bumble (U6465)

posted on 7/1/13

MASSIVE DULLARD. Coma inducing "My name...........is Randy Orton"


Couldn't care less if he's heel or face. He's just a poor mans HHH and can't change his character.

posted on 7/1/13

posted on 12/1/13

He's a degenerate who should have been fired about 5 times already. Get rid.

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