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Article Rating 3 Stars


Does anyone know when he will be fit?

I ask because it is high time this lad is played regularly. Premiership teams are sniffing around him so let's see what he's got. He can't be worse than Halford or Ward was at CB. Instead of loaning in more players lets show a bit of faith in our youngsters, this includes Moloney who I always rate when he plays. They will certainly have the desire and this season is very much a consolidation season now.

I want to see what all the fuss is about. I want to feel excited by one of our home grown players again.

posted on 6/1/13

hope he takes up billys style of management

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 6/1/13

I hope he doesn't

posted on 6/1/13

Bob Stains,
You mean blame the players, the owners, the fans, the referee but never Billy?

posted on 6/1/13

...or fall out with the Board, get the sack and pocket a load of compo.

I think it might be easier to do that at the City Ground, these days...

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 6/1/13

Bob stains is a bit simple

posted on 6/1/13

Blimey, just looked on Wikipedia - did you really turn down a £5m bid from Arsenal for him before he'd played in the first team?

If so, fair play for not cashing in - I hope our owners take the same view when the offiers for Will Hughes and Mason Bennet start to roll in...

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 6/1/13

Rumour is Will Hughes is on his way to Forest for £2m.
Can't see him getting in the team though; one for the future?

posted on 6/1/13

Mystic Strett - if that's the quality of your predictions, can I respectfully ask you to stick your lottery predictions where the sun doesn't shine. (Not Wales, the other place.)

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 6/1/13

Dream on, strett. At least make your own wums semi-credible. £2m plus a big supermarket-style fridge.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 6/1/13

Eddie you seem obsessed with the way our owners made their billions!

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