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Keep it simple, took a month off, went back today, did 4 reps of usual starter bench weight 20kg and a 15kg on each side.... 4 reps!

Went to dumbells, picked up starter weight 35kgs....4 reps!!

Pec Deck, full rack....3 reps!!!

Feel like a noob again.

Dear 606ers i used to be a strong dude with good form and stability, after just 4 weeks i have dropped 10kgs on average in the gym!!!!

Sucks to be me right now!

Muscle memory.....im waiting.

posted on 11/1/13

you guys are epic! Chest press yes, but dumbbell curl no more than 25 (with proper form) you get some in my gym who curl 30's but their form is a joke! I hate folk who train with their ego's!

posted on 11/1/13

Admin 140 in a row !!!!!!????

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 11/1/13

Nah sets of 15 to 25 reps.

posted on 12/1/13

Ah ok, for a moment I thought u were augmented with pistons in ur triceps!!!

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 12/1/13

I didn't lose any strength on my lifts over the 2-week festive period but I lost a couple of pounds. This is terrible for me considering I find it hard to eat enough to put enough muscle on anyway. I did feel really sore the days after though.

posted on 15/1/13

didnt go to the gym for 2 weeks and i am finding it hard to get back to the previous strength

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 15/1/13

I'm going to do my first upper body work since the 27th tomorrow. Remedial stuff, but i'm excited

posted on 15/1/13

Do Mattel, let us know on thurs how I feel and how it went m8 I'm guessing I'll be in a lot of pain!

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 16/1/13

Okay that was a little sad. I just spent an hour and 15 in the gym and didn't start sweating. Can't wait for this fecking shoulder to be gone

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 1/3/13

First shoulder oriented workout today, no overheads, feeling good

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