1) Most comments
| UserId | TotalComments |
| 11208 | 86372 | - KentSpur
| 2440 | 75356 | - Andy Carrot
| 1641 | 65176 | - The Blue Kenyan
| 2174 | 63057 | - Wilsbowski*
| 3522 | 56704 | - Super Keith Andrews
| 1026 | 53540 | - ❝RRP_Of_VDV's__HDMI_LCD_&_LED❞
| 5023 | 51333 | - Karl. - #FreeVilla
| 2725 | 48295 | - Will shave árse when Arshavin starts
| 6563 | 47612 | - Arsenal Dog - WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT!?
| 2114 | 47127 | - Anfield RAP
| 4416 | 44904 | - Andrei Sergeyevich I lose my wish to drown,
| 1847 | 43174 | - TheChameleonProject
| 2653 | 42380 | - 8bit...
| 11781 | 41383 | - RVP's Left Foot - Established 1878
| 6039 | 40346 | - Snow Digby
| 1266 | 40093 | - Gazza - Professional Disagreer and Liar
| 1109 | 38942 | - Edinspur - ja606 poster of the year 2012
| 3579 | 38855 | - Mr Chelsea ✪ .
| 1029 | 38205 | - Thudd...
| 2708 | 36676 | - LSTD - #OneDiMatteo
| 3339 | 36245 | - Fan 22 - I can count higher than 21
| 6675 | 35590 | - Gunnerthru - Arsenal thru and thru
| 3095 | 35340 | - Kanga
| 1204 | 33792 | - Kamran
| 3423 | 32843 | - Chronic
| 1060 | 32752 | - TBOK™ Legend
| 10415 | 31208 | - GALVIN & Alalapupulala.
| 3245 | 30161 | - Peterbaey
| 10161 | 29190 | - #TopLad - MUFC || Rooney,RVP,Kagawa
| 6852 | 29045 | - The Diva™ - New Owner of the Tavern
| 1410 | 28994 | - Serial WUManiser
| 9180 | 28886 | - The Timinator -The ★ attraction
| 1453 | 28819 | - CSTP
| 12548 | 28666 | - Number 21
| 9410 | 28346 | - Bãle's left boot
| 1137 | 28337 | - D'Jeezus Mackaroni
| 6801 | 27690 | - °Choice City
| 1097 | 27663 | - RtM™
| 1062 | 27584 | - The RDBD
| 1059 | 27177 | - J.P.B. and his broken laptop COYS
| 8966 | 26691 | - Ludy Allen - Knife Between Teeth
| 1734 | 26626 | - Barry Smith
| 3732 | 26488 | - • Tu Meke Santi •
| 1005 | 26312 | - _☃ Captain Ruiney™ 19 - Unlisted 'Till I Die
| 1721 | 26180 | - There'sOnlyOneReds
| 7171 | 24991 | - comu -
| 8233 | 24815 | - ** .We Play The Tippy Tappy ƒootball .**
| 3979 | 24360 | - Fred Bassett - Shazbot... Nano Nano..
| 8613 | 24254 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
2) Most one starred users
| UserId | oneStarCount |
| 3245 | 1512 | - Peterbaey
| 8613 | 1275 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
| 2725 | 1262 | - Will shave árse when Arshavin starts
| 1974 | 1099 | - The Lady Eowyn of Rohan
| 7929 | 986 | - Don_chelsea
| 9163 | 955 | - Dubbed The New Wenger
| 1204 | 927 | - Kamran
| 7307 | 823 | - Saint Mal
| 3423 | 802 | - Chronic
| 8453 | 782 | - Liw
3) Most 5 starred user
| UserId | oneStarCount |
| 2725 | 3305 | - Will shave árse when Arshavin starts
| 1974 | 2514 | - The Lady Eowyn of Rohan
| 3245 | 2474 | - Peterbaey
| 7929 | 2267 | - Don_chelsea
| 8613 | 1940 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
| 1204 | 1617 | - Kamran
| 5985 | 1568 | - Verminator_05- Wenger out, Phil brown in?
| 6563 | 1431 | - Arsenal Dog - WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT!?
| 1762 | 1418 | - Kings Road
| 3423 | 1318 | - Chronic
4) Most complained about..
| UserId | TotalCommentsComplainedAbout |
| 8699 | 119 | - Call Me Ishmael.
| 8453 | 108 | - Liw
| 1110 | 103 | - Mr Unsubscribe
| 3423 | 102 | - Chronic
| 7366 | 89 | - Andy Suarez
| 8613 | 87 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
| 1410 | 85 | - Serial WUManiser
| 5901 | 77 | - Boris "Inky" Gibson
| 5547 | 62 | - MONisTheMan
| 10288 | 60 | - Wearethefamousthfc..
5) Most Articles complained about
| UserId | TotalArticlesComplainedAbout |
| 8613 | 62 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
| 5547 | 58 | - MONisTheMan
| 3245 | 46 | - Peterbaey
| 3423 | 38 | - Chronic
| 9410 | 35 | - Bãle's left boot
| 1037 | 32 | - Paulpowersleftfoot
| 6198 | 31 | - RedknappsCoat > Maaaaaaaaafiaaaaaaaa
| 1029 | 28 | - Thudd...
| 2725 | 24 | - Will shave árse when Arshavin starts
| 1204 | 24 | - Kamran
6) Most Articles
| userId | ArticleCount |
| 7929 | 1248 | - Don_chelsea
| 1974 | 1237 | - The Lady Eowyn of Rohan
| 3245 | 1233 | - Peterbaey
| 2725 | 1021 | -Will shave árse when Arshavin starts
| 1762 | 1012 | - Kings Road
| 8613 | 944 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
| 6563 | 927 | - Arsenal Dog - WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT!? WHAT!?
| 6241 | 887 | - Got_Better
| 9390 | 867 | - GhodfatherDonati
| 3423 | 838 | - Chronic
7) Number of 100 comment+ articles
| UserId | Numberof100plusArticles |
| 2725 | 124 | - Will shave árse when Arshavin starts
| 1204 | 119 | - Kamran
| 1026 | 99 | - ❝RRP_Of_VDV's_DVD_In_HD_3D_HDMI_LCD_&_LED❞
| 1641 | 92 | - The Blue Kenyan
| 3423 | 88 | - Chronic
| 1703 | 74 | - Who's Kissing Cameras?!
| 1029 | 73 | - Thudd...
| 3245 | 71 | - Peterbaey
| 8613 | 69 | - MafiaBoy': Jermain Falcao for Ballon d'Or
| 1217 | 67 | - Fabio Borini's Knife
And lastly.....
8) Most Banned = Sagna
Thanks to admin1 for the information provided earlier
All stats were posted here originally,
If there is anybody doubting some of the results or if people want to see more than the top 10s.
JAstistics - Top 10's
comment by Diggler (U4142)
posted on 18/1/13
Yeah, I thought you would have been higher up as well Paul...
posted on 18/1/13
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted on 18/1/13
Im not on any list
comment by Diggler (U4142)
posted on 18/1/13
Try harder!
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted on 18/1/13
so if i start being a complete and utter d!(K i might get on the most complained list
comment by Onan the Barbarian (U1552)
posted on 19/1/13
Nexy stat to add should who's got most other users on their filtered list.
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted on 19/1/13
the top 10 members closest to getting banned
comment by Onan the Barbarian (U1552)
posted on 19/1/13
Who has been put on most other users naughty step
comment by Diggler (U4142)
posted on 19/1/13
Its a Liverpool supporter called TAGGS.
comment by THE MISSILE (U13008)
posted on 19/1/13
joking aside.....
doovde is the biggest gimp on this footie board.....
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