You can make a suggestion any time on this page however you may have to wait for a reply.
Each runner will have a set time when they'll be online and you can discuss with them your problems.
Consult Hours:
Wilshere - Tuesday 7pm - Late & Thursday 7pm - Late
Loyal - Monday 7pm - Late & Wednesday 7pm - Late
DiRestarules - Saturday 3pm-5pm & Sunday 5pm - 7pm
Suggestions Page
posted on 3/2/13
not sure. what if we lose activity during those weeks
posted on 3/2/13
That's true I guess .
posted on 3/2/13
No injuries for the first game of the season right?
posted on 3/2/13
its just that a league like lstds league can survive with a transfer break but we're a new league and its relying on transfers atm
posted on 3/2/13
Di you're in charge of injuries i think you can decide.
if you want we can include a few injuries in some games
posted on 3/2/13
Right thats okay
No more questions I promise .
posted on 10/2/13
I've been thinking
Yes it hurts lol
Anyway I think after each gameweek we should post an article explaining why we came to each result
I know the LT/reports are meant for that but a lot of the time people want an explanation
posted on 13/4/13
Can we have counter tactics??
Something like, whoever gets their tactics in first has the chance to write a tiny amount (30-40 words) of counter tactics. Evens out the unfairness of the second person being able to read the tactics of the first person. Plus if it's only given to whoever gets their set of tactics in first tactics should be coming in much earlier.
posted on 13/4/13
Or even something as simple as having the away team having to get tactics in a day beforehand, meaning the home team gets an advantage. And then removing the Home Team slots from the generator.
posted on 13/4/13
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