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FA Cup verses the League

After last nights defeat to Yeovil our League One season appears to be all but over.
I am thinking our best chance of silverware this season is the FA Cup.

Pehaps we could play a weakened team for the remaining League games and save our full strength team for the FA Cup.

We only need to win four games in a row to win the FA Cup, to gain automatic promotion to the Championship we will need to win about eight in a row.
Even to get in the playoff's now we will need to put quite a run together.

If we dont get promoted this season I feel we will lose a fair part of our squad next year and be back to square one.

Funny we are now down to 10th, ok with a game in hand, but we were all told at the start of the season that this was the weakest League One for some time.

Better to concentrate on winning the FA Cup, that way we will be in Europe next season, and might be able to keep hold of some of our better players.

We seem to play better against clubs from a higher division, so if we dont get promoted or win the FA Cup, perhaps we could get Winkie to see if we can go straight up to the Premier League next season, and replace the team that finished four from bottom.

I feel our football is more suited to the Premier League than League One anyway.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 31/1/13


Your last paragraph is very similar to comments at about this time last season.

Winkie has said this is the last season he would spend to try and get promotion, but there has been little evidence he has spent a significant amount this season (again electing to bring people in on loan)

But, a good run and some luck could see them back in the mix.

posted on 31/1/13

Consistency is the key

posted on 31/1/13

My article was one mainly of satire, however this was masking serious shortcomings.

We have been very inconsistent in the league, dropping points at home to teams in the lower regions of the table.
This is the easiest this league has been for a few seasons, considering we have had Norwich, Leeds, Leicester, Southampton, Millwall, etc etc over the last few years, we have made the playoffs virtually every season.
To not reach the playoffs will be a serious under achievement, and we must look at the manager and players as having failed if we dont get in the top six.

There hasnt been any investment in players, other than players wages, all have been loans or free transfers.
We have sold players over the last couple of years.

After looking at Loftus Road last Saturday, I cant see why any multi millionaire would want to pump so much money into QPR.
I cannot help wondering why no investors are willing to pump money into us, considering our stadium, and MK's ever growing population.

If we dont go up this year, there is no doubt in my mind we will be in a far worse place come the start of next season.

Our season could be over in 3 weeks if we lose to Bournemouth, Oldham and Donny, we need a minimum of 7 pts from these games.
The Barnsley FA Cup tie wasnt the big crowd puller Winkie would have hoped for, and they are getting it together now, so I am not over hopeful of reaching a big payday in the next round.

We have had a lot of bad luck with injuries, but thats what can happen, and we have a small squad.
The problem still lies with the lack of a consistent goalscorer, so McLoud and Lowe have a lot on their shoulders in the next three weeks.

I hope I am wrong but is quite likely our season could be over by mid February, which will be a disaster for all concerned.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 31/1/13

I agree, the biggest problem is that once the opposition have sussed the way the Dons play and counteract it, there is no variation, so possession builds up but not goals.

The successess are against clubs whose defence have bad days (e.g. QPR) but against good defences they struggle.

Robbo needs to understand there is nothing wrong with the occassional 20 minutes of playing the long ball if it puts the opposition on the wrong foot

posted on 31/1/13

Agree with much of all the above - I think we would always struggle to get a new investor into the club, as its not just investing in the club - so much is tied to the ground and other interest Winkie has - it works as a whole - but would be a nightmare if dirrent people owned different parts of the jigsaw that surround the club. So I really dont see this happening unless Pete were to sell up the whole lot - nightmare to value

So inspite of the potential of the club it will would be really difficult for someone to invest (sensibly) in the club

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 31/1/13

£2 4s 11d, I would go to £2 10bob if really pushed

posted on 31/1/13

Perhap we can have shake a sheikh day.

posted on 1/2/13

What about a McDonalds Sheikh.

posted on 1/2/13

I completely agree with your article Super - we put four past QPR with ease, and yet Man City couldn't score even one against them on Tuesday night, so therefore we deserve to be placed directly above them in the Prem on merit, as 2nd best team in the country...

Maybe Yeovil are now the second best team in the country though, after beating us?

Anyway, never mind all that, que sera sera, whatever will be will be, and provided we can scrape 11 fit players together from our now even smaller and more injury depleted squad, we're going to Wembley...

posted on 1/2/13

This is more like it - les have some blind optimism instead of our over analysis - a bit like the team in the first half against qpr - virtually no chances, but when they came we stuck each one away - second half we played much better, and created and then missed loads of chances........just go for goal

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