this is for smackdown tonight 01/02/13
Posted in: WWE
Spoiler on the WWE SmackDown Elimination Chamber Participants
By Marc Middleton
Feb 1, 2013 - 8:42:46 AM
- According to a fan in Australia who has already seen tonight's WWE SmackDown broadcast, WWE will announce 5 of the 6 Superstars that will compete in the Elimination Chamber match.
Randy Orton, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Jack Swagger and The Great Khali will compete in the match. A sixth participant will be revealed later. The winner will challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 29. This was not announced to the live crowd at Tuesday's tapings.
as always thought and comment welcome
Spoiler on the WWE SmackDown Elimination
posted on 1/2/13
the great khali why just why wwe for the love of god.
it will be good to see the repackage of swagger
posted on 1/2/13
I love Jack Swagger
posted on 1/2/13
i like swagger to hope wwe do something with him
posted on 1/2/13
Number 6 to be Christian/Mark Henry?
posted on 1/2/13
everyone hope it will be one of them two teejay79
posted on 2/2/13
Unless Show or Sheamus emerge as the sixth guy, that has an Orton win written all over it, which i wouldn't mind personally apart from the obviousness.
If they're going to take holding back the last participant seriously, Lesnar's involvement would be a fantastic swerve. Particuplarly intruging would be how he gets screwed given the technicalities of the Chamber match.
posted on 2/2/13
lesnar swerve would be great.the problem for me is orton because to obviouseness to win
posted on 2/2/13
Where the hell did Swagger come from? When did he return
posted on 3/2/13
lesnar on smackdown