every bleeding England match we have to hear the first two bars of the "Self Preservation Society" and the "Come on England" played out of key ad nauseum.
wish they'd feck off
Wish that band would shut up
posted on 6/2/13
Its about the only thing the English are ever even close to united about though :P
posted on 6/2/13
It's one of the many reason I don't like watching England for. That and all the bell's in their Lonsdale trackies.
posted on 6/2/13
"Its about the only thing the English are ever even close to united about though"
Don't forget Scotland, Wales, Northern & the Republic of Ireland.
The crap England band, putting the 'United' in the United Kingdom. Also the reason why Scotland want independence.
posted on 6/2/13
Blame the Dutch, cos they imported it to our shores in '96.
posted on 7/2/13
ditch the brass and hook up 6 marshall stacks 4 strats and 2 basses and a 1970s i cant see the drummer drum kit
the gaff needs rockin,leave the brass to the sally army.
or we all just sing like we used to