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Article Rating 2.45 Stars

Wenger in or Wenger out

Now then hopefully most of you have calmed down since yesterday's poor result. Wanted your honest opinions on whether you want Wenger to stay or think it's time for change.

As we all know Wenger has been great for the club and brought success albeit a good while ago now. Your board may be tight with signings but your wage bill is enough to keep plenty of top class players happy, so I'm not sure if you could really use the board as an excuse for your clubs shortcomings.

I do believe most clubs in England and Europe would love to have Wenger as their manager, and it would be interesting to see how successful he would be in a club with a different spending structure.

But anyway back to the point, it's clear the man's football 'philosophy' has gotten stale, since losing Fabregas your game hasn't quite been the same, it requires the class of a player like him to really work. It was very unfortunate for you that he wanted to leave, as he was a player you could really build your team around. I don't believe there was anything Wenger could have done about that however, as Cesc clearly wanted to go back to his homeland. But he should have done everything to keep other top players like Ashley Cole, Flamini, RVP etc, the kind of class Arsenal are very much lacking this season.

So genuine question, would you give Wenger another chance, or is it time for a new manager to start building a new Arsenal?

vote 5 for Wenger in
vote 1 for Wenger out

Thoughts appreciated.

posted on 17/2/13

Do I need to break down every comment I make so you can understand them? And I'm the retárded one here apparently. WHATEVER.

posted on 17/2/13

"And I'm the retárded one here apparently"

well yes, you are. I don't think many people would disagree with me on this one.

posted on 17/2/13

Wenger must stay

comment by TUX (U5315)

posted on 17/2/13

Indeed, he's been at the club for so long now that it's impossible to tell how things will go without him. You could flourish under a new manager or slip down in the same way Liverpool did after Rafa.

I agree but equally Liverpool have been on the downslope for many years (yeah, CL winners but where's that got them recently?).

The question is 'would Arsenal be any worse off' with a new manager? I'd say no, purely from a neutrals point of view.
Arsenal need a new view instead of AW's view. The man was very good in his day, but that is long gone.
AW came to England when the only team to beat was Utd. Chelsea came along and now City. AW cannot cope but i'm sure a new man will.
From a neutrals stance, the fans of Arsenal deserve better atm.
Wenger inherited a very good squad, tweeked it and ruled the roost so to speak. He had the same fortune at Monaco, and he's still yet to win a trophy in Europe.
It went 't-t's up' the moment Wenger started to do his own thing and rely on 'tippy tappy' football in this league.
He's a spent force in my opinion. There are a few managers that would do so much better given the resources Arsenal have to offer.

Moyes would be my shout...............

posted on 17/2/13

I agree the fans deserve better now, sure they moan quite a lot on here but overall they have been extremely patient through this trophy drought.

Arsenal and the premier league will be a strange place post Wenger though.

posted on 17/2/13

Wenger out, he's done great things for this club but its time for a change. Wenger will always be regarded as a legend but enough is enough.

posted on 17/2/13

Wenger in,take care of what you wish for you just might get it.

comment by (U5799)

posted on 17/2/13

Football is a results business. Arsenal is a club expected to win trophies if not Championships.

Wenger's policies over last 8 years have failed to deliver and his reluctance to change what he does is
the problem.

Yesterday's performance against Blackburn plus the
loss against Bradford highlights the inherent weakness in his philosophy.

We play sometimes too much pretty football and there
is a lack of substance.

Also we have on our books too many mediocre players for whom Wenger has to take responsibility.

posted on 17/2/13

Wenger ,you want out and the prime candidate for his replacement is .................David Moyes........

You must be joking...

posted on 17/2/13

As one TV commentator accurately put it:
"We're never quite sure which Arsenal is going to show up for any given game".

The responsibility for lack of consistency lays at the feet of the manager. Either fire him, or fire the fans!

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