Wit is wae these adverts man....am gonnae end up skint....av already bought a corporate package to the Europa league final, a one way ticket on the the Eurostar and home Internet...av already got the effing Internet...am using it the noo!!!
Get these adverts oot, I canny stop buying shiiite
JA606 advertising!!!!
posted on 1/3/13
Bon Prix.
Erotic lingerie.
Tats hingin oot the bras.
posted on 1/3/13
Erotic lingerie.
admin 1 used that to buy admin 2 a present!
posted on 2/3/13
should be able to sell lots of advertising space for female products as theres a lot of 'wummin' on the site.
posted on 2/3/13
I just got an Asian bride
posted on 2/3/13
Bluenose please email us a screenshot...we shouldnt be getting Asian bride nonsesnse.
posted on 2/3/13
I think he might have been joking, Admin
posted on 2/3/13
posted on 2/3/13
i get all my medical stuff from a canadian pharmacy
i also got an email from cousin i didnt know i had in nigeria, aparantly he is a prince and wants me to transfer my money just temporarily so he can release his gold bullion
posted on 2/3/13
Some bassa called Craig Whyte just offered to sell me Rangers
posted on 2/3/13
where are these adverts? i dont get them