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Anyone ever taken it? Have just bought my first batch to test it out and see if it works. Intrigued. It's cheap too so not too much lost if it doesn't work, although don't see why it wouldn't. Any advice on the 'loading phase' or if it's even necessary? Or any other experiences.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 5/3/13

in no way was I trying to be snidey nor look down on anyone. I was only recommending my opinion. I know plenty who use that supplement and end up less than happy. Looks like you've already made up your mind though which is why you are picking on my comments.

posted on 5/3/13

I don't think RTM was being snooty with his comment, as there is weight behind it. A year of consistent training will no doubt have done you wonders, and I know around that point I was looking for an amazing supplement that will make me huge, when actually that is the last thing you should be thinking about at that stage. I may be well wide of the mark, and apologies if I am, but supplements are far from essential, despite what supplement companies may preach. I haven't taken any form of supplement, including whey protein for over a year now, but what I did do was really analyse my diet, make sure that's all sound, lots of good protein from turkey, wholemeal carbs and healthy fats. Plenty of fruit and veg, lots of water and I'm the biggest I've ever been (15 stone, under 10% BF at 5'8). One other key factor was looking at my form, again, apologies if wide of the mark, but after a year of training most of my form on exercises was average to poor, I wasn't doing anything dangerously, but I wasn't focusing on the muscle I was training. I took a step back about 3 years ago, and lightened all my weights and took a few weeks to realy work on form and mind muscle connection. I've followed this through since and it has revolutionised my physique.

As to creatine, I think I was of the small percentage where it didn't seem to have much if any effect, but by all means give it a go and see how it works out for you, as long as your diet and form is on point.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 5/3/13

Thanks Capt. I couldn't be bothered to make that comment but you basically said what I meant.

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 5/3/13

Ok apologies if you weren't intending to be snooty. Captain that's a very good post and I admire your commitment, I just wanted to dabble in a supplement I haven't experienced yet to see if it will have any effect. No harm in that.

posted on 5/3/13

^Exactly. No reason not to take creatine, IMO, unless you find you're a non-responder.

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 5/3/13

but after a year of training most of my form on exercises was average to poor, I wasn't doing anything dangerously, but I wasn't focusing on the muscle I was training


I've been through this stage I think. I was pressing quite heavy weight but not going all the way down which obviously minimises some of its effects. Since dropped the weight and gone down further.

posted on 5/3/13

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comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 18/3/13

Creatine is good stuff, they put it in some shakes anyway. High content in steak also

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 22/3/13

I've been taking 10g a day for the past 2 weeks and not noticed any significant changes yet.

posted on 29/4/13

get the good stuff creatine monohydrate and get the stuff made in Germany. Its great 2 heap teaspoons a day.

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