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Why do other fans never remember?

Right I have to get this off my chest as I keep reading complete drivel from opposition fans about the game on Tuesday. Now I don't want to focus on the big incident as it has been done to death.

However, opposition fans have jumped for joy at how good it has been to see a decision against United yet they all completely ignore the decisions that went against us. For example, the non penalty for the foul on Evra and the non red card in the first leg when Evra was clean through. Isn't it strange how these are never mentioned at all?

I am a huge Man United fan and yet I can be objective yes we were fortunate not to have conceded a penalty for handball. However, that does not excuse the multitude of decisions that went against us.
I also concede that we have had our fair share of decisions that have gone for us in the past. The Nani goal against Spurs jumps to mind.

However, any fan, especially of the other big clubs- Chelsea, Liverpool, even Arsenal, is delusion if they think United get more favourable decisions than anyone else and red cards such as the one Nani got are justified. The phrase I keep hearing is that 'it is about time that someone gave a decision against (insert generic, uninspired insult for Utd here)'. Is it just that these people are that lacking in intelligence or that they are that bitter that they cannot be objective on a case by case basis. I know I can be, for example I thought it was an outrage that Van Persie got sent off for 'kicking the ball away against Barca', just like I am still not sure how Chelsea didn't get a penalty. Likewise it was ridiculous that Fletcher was sent off against Arsenal in the semi-final.

Perhaps I am just expecting too much of my fellow football fans and they simply lack the intelligence to view these things in a logical and objective fashion. Perhaps it is also telling that everyone of the neutral football fan friends I have spoken to have said it was a ridiculous decision. So basically what I am asking for is for fellow football fans to have the common sense that was so clearly lacking from our friend from Turkey. Is that too much to ask?

So please next time United are down an injustice please put aside the inferiority complexes, and stop to think (difficult I know for some of you) if such a decision went against your team would you be happy? Objectivity is a great thing, supporting a team should not rob you of it.

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comment by I (U4566)

posted on 9/3/13

comment by funnyoldgame (U17347)

posted 2 hours, 46 minutes ago

My dislike for Nani probably makes me look for every mistake he makes, just as his fans will scrutinize every move Valencia makes.


It doesn't always work like that. I am an admirer of Nani's talent and ability, but honest enough to recognise he made a challenge that was bad enough to warrant a red card.

posted on 9/3/13

Far too often United act as if refs turn up to watch them win and that if they do their job

To be honest all we really want is for them to not terribly handicap us during the match with an unfair decision...

It is terribly entertaining watching the hordes of bitter opposition fans justifying the fact United got a bad decision by saying they have more bad decisions than most in their favour...

Someone I asked for proof of this the other day said no need it is common knowledge

posted on 9/3/13

The side perceived as the 'better' team always receives more favouritism on balance.

That's why Real will get more favouritism over United, United over Spurs, Spurs over Villa and on down.

posted on 9/3/13

Come to think of it we've always had the rub of the green in the Merseyside derby and then this year, when all the hype was on Everton, the ref botched a decision and denied us a perfectly legitimate winning goal at the end.

The power of perception in action.

posted on 9/3/13

That is rubbish!

It is just as bad as the people that thinks there is some kind of pro Barcelona conspiracy going on at UEFA I really cannot believe people are that stupid!

Bigger clubs get more penalties because they are usually better clubs. United have finished behind Chelsea this season in getting penalties and having them against them and the season before...

This is despite United clearly being a better team (these stats are premiership) over the last 2 years.

That doesn't suggest a conspiracy, or that simply Chelsea are a bigger club, United are in fact the bigger club...

The reason it is like that is because for all the talk of bigger clubs getting more decisions than little ones nobody ever seems to actually prove it.

Barcelona have been destroying teams in Europe because they have been the best team, United have been dominating England because they have been the best team. Neither gets any provable advantage over their rivals domestically or continentally.

posted on 9/3/13

there is no conspiracy, it's just a subconscious reaction

posted on 9/3/13

A great team will get more penalties at home than a poor team.

Wanna know why?

The great team spend more time inside the box and draw more last-ditch tackles than the poor team do.

Its not rocket science......

posted on 9/3/13

Rubbish it's how much you cry and who he about it that counts. That influences refs for future games. You simply want it all ways. When Hernandez put the goal in against Chelsea that was off side were was SAF saying he disagreed with it. Or Torres being unfairly sent off. If you want better refereeing then you say something when things go your way. If you don't then you can't complain when they don't.

posted on 10/3/13

Rubbish it's how much you cry and who he about it that counts.

Really how much we cry?


Are you sure you aren't confusing us with the Scousers where everything's a conspiracy whenever they lose.

Considering the size and impact of the decision that went against they acted pretty well.

That influences refs for future games. You simply want it all ways.

That is what I always accuse them off...

You do realise there is a huge uproar when United actually get a decision they shouldn't have?!

Surely if such things influence referee's then they will be far less likely to give United a decision as it is like Armageddon when they do

posted on 10/3/13

It doesn't always work like that. I am an admirer of Nani's talent and ability, but honest enough to recognise he made a challenge that was bad enough to warrant a red card.
He didn't make a challenge

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