posted on 10/3/13
even their manager said it was pen,how bitter can you get
posted on 10/3/13
So you've been made to look childish and bitter, and are now backtracking. Grow up.
posted on 10/3/13
Terminator1 how do you come to this conclusion of me?
When I post articles for my fellow blues I do request that no LFC fans comment. This article is open for all and I have not had a dig at LFC!
posted on 10/3/13
Were you talkling about Moyes Dixie? I mean he's cheated his way into making people think he's a good manager, never does it when it counts
posted on 10/3/13
Well the OP never mentioned a name here...
But the bitter red sheights were quick to try and defend someone who was never mentioned!
As for red. I think with the investment our match going fans made they were within their rights to voice displeasure and leave if they liked...
Did you ever sit and happy about Roy, Joe Cole etc??
posted on 10/3/13
Kneerash, I totally agree!
Read my article from yesterday and you will know my feelings about Moyes. I have never been one for knee jerk reactions, I have always backed our manager but I think it's time he moved on.. For his sake and for ours..
posted on 10/3/13
Fair enough Dixie
posted on 10/3/13
I wanted him gone as soon as he said he would decide at seasons end.
We are just a safety net for him.....time to go Dave
posted on 10/3/13
Well lets get one thing straight about Moyes.. This is not a 'Moyes out' chanting situation, I just think it would be better to part ways after the final game this season.
No disrespect and no malice.. Just move on
posted on 10/3/13
A moyes out chant would never happen like the sheightlastdid at anfield....we show more respect.
But itbis time we parted company. Give the new guy time to make his mark on style a staying staff.