seen some articles recently on here about me.. actually very touched, thanks guys...
I can confirm that we, operating heads of London Clubs International have sold Leeds Alea, Nottingham will soon follow, despite what it says in the media.
The reason? - well, all things must come to and end we feel we have prospered in the UK all in all, but we feel with the new direction we're taking in the next few years that we should settle any remaining business in the UK, and re-settle back home.
My football interest will always bring me back to you guys at some point, however, the near future holds a busy time for me, so it may be next season when we can talk properly..
special thanks to my good friends on here, as below...
Tommy T
NJS whome I know on a personal level.
Lancs you have my email adress mate, I will forward you another address at some point.
Highland - always a pleasure mate
anyone who I've missed, don;t be offended, you know who you are
Tuscany - My Say
posted on 12/3/13
Good luck Tuscany! I'm sure you will be back if we get into the top six
posted on 12/3/13
Ciao e buona fortuna
posted on 12/3/13
Good luck!!
posted on 12/3/13
I don't understand?
posted on 12/3/13
All the Best to You and your Family Tusc
posted on 12/3/13
Good luck with it all Tusc
For what it's worth I always enjoyed a flutter down at Alea and it's a top notch place.
Enjoy it back home sir.
posted on 12/3/13
Oh i get it now
posted on 12/3/13
Tuscany, so are you saying that this official statement on the Alea Leeds website is incorrect:
"We have reluctantly taken this decision following continued difficult trading conditions at the Clarence Dock development."
posted on 12/3/13
Toscanini....if I dont see you before you leave...
meet you at the Piazza Michelangelo, si ?
posted on 19/3/13
Good luck Tuscany
Don't let the gormless, the offensive and the prerennially dreary drive you away..!
Have a break and come back firing on all cylinders.