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Sweden V Ireland Post Match Views

Well, first things first, that was better than expected

Was worried about tonight's game, especially with the build up shambles that was going on, was Brady playing? Who was Trap going to fall out with next?

However first 30 mins we played very well, Sweden came back before half time. Second half was a more even affair.

Game as a whole, not many clear cut chances for either side.Seem to just cancel each either out.

Anyway on to Tuesday night where a win is essential!!


comment by (U11421)

posted on 22/3/13

That's a disgrace. The Workers Party must still be alive and well in R.T.E. .They stick to their guns on these type of things.

posted on 23/3/13

Blocked for NI? That's ridiculous!!

Delighted at the performance of Wilson , Coleman and McCarthy as they have now surely nailed down their places. Was worried about Forde but he impressed. Only worry is Long looks a bit rusty with Lukaku hogging the game time at West Brom.
We actually played some nice football at times but had no cutting edge upfront!

posted on 23/3/13

Yeah, Ive emailed their complaints department and am awaiting their reply... Was genuinely pished off last night about it and still am. Its an All Ireland team now and we've as much right to see the game as viewers in the south.

posted on 23/3/13

Yeah sent a complaint myself. Rte are a joke

comment by (U11421)

posted on 23/3/13

Overpaid, under worked jokes , who bring stroking each others egos to a fine art.Talentless hacks who got the nod n the wink because of who they knew/know .

posted on 24/3/13

Robbie is injured, so Doyle has been called up for the Austria game.

posted on 24/3/13

Was he called up through a text message?

posted on 24/3/13

posted on 26/3/13

Whats the story do RTE actually blank out the game when matches start for viewers up North?? How can that be!! Thats outrageous???

comment by McStay (U17358)

posted on 26/3/13

It is to do with rights. Was another station showing it in the North or Britain?

The block the Premiership highlights too I think, or they used to.

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