Hello lads and laddettes. Another race and some good stuff for the most part but the teams as usual cheat the fans by not letting people race. In any event as the title of my article states, this race further demonstrates the childish and spoilt brat nature of our "world champion".
I've said it for a while that I didn't believe the team who talk a lot about pushing the limits do not approach F1 in the same way and that's fine as F1 isn't really sport per se but I firmly believe that both drivers are not provided with the same tools and support required for battle. I won't go into the details but RedBull never wanted Webber and had to put up with him to get Renault engines.
Over Sebs career, we have seen a variety of incidents like today; he blames others for his mistakes, cries over the radio when things do not go his way, chucks his toys out of the pram, never accepts responsibility for things he does wrong and generally he behaves like a spoilt brat. A lot of people in the paddock who see the 'real Vettel' have confirmed this but we are given a different perspective by the media, Horner and Marko.
I personally think Webber was foolish to stay in the team after 2010 but he made his bed so he has to lie in it. It's funny, but for a bungled pitstop, Webber would have been the world champion in 2010.
Today again, we saw Vettel behaving like a brat and fair play to him for maximising the opportunity even though I personally feel he was being a
What actually annoyed me wasn't that he didn't obey team orders and shafted his team mate, but the way he weaved across the line celebrating a victory that he stole. If he had kept his celebration in check, he wouldn't have looked so idiotic.
What I find amusing though is that people are defending what he did and these people will be the first ones to stick the knife in at Alonso or Hamilton if they had done the same thing. Mercedes also cheated Nico of a podium but he obeyed instructions and now his team and team mate owe him one. Hamilton's muted celebrations also highlight he wasn't pleased by what his team did and makes him look a more decent person than our of a world champion.
I hope Webber learns from this and is smarter in future races and explores other opportunities if they are offered as RedBull is Vettel's team and that will not change. So Mark, suck it up, you made your bed, lie in it.
So ladies and gents, what do you think about what Seb did today? Your thoughts and comments are welcome
Sebastian Vettel - The Petulant Child
posted on 24/3/13
man unt devil
sorry manx i dont believe you mate -- if anybody on sky or the bbc was disrespectful to vettel or any of the drivers i would have heard it as well -
---- trust me manx i am probably a little older and wiser than you and it is just about impossible to blow smoke up my anatomy without me knowing about it -
come on now manx you are a better person than this -
-- lets not get into the sad bad old habits of the silly little fanboys on the old bbc 606 of making up silly fairytales to justify there silly views and opinions on any rival of there own little favourite -
------------ i can smell BS a mile off and you cannot con me mate
posted on 24/3/13
Why would I bother? There are people that love serial killers inspite of what they have done.
There are 2 sides to Vettel and people saw his true face today. Just like Brundle, Coulthard and even Webber have said.
I do not like speaking about my family and really shouldn't have brought it up when responding to you as it's pointless.
I know the truth and that's what matters and whether you believe me or not means feck all in the grand scheme of thin
posted on 24/3/13
man unt devil
still dont believe you manx -- you are just making up silly tales to justify your dislike of a foreign driver that is doing all the winning and decimating hamilton in the process
if anybody on sky or bbc had called vettel a spoilt brat or whatever i would have heard it , not to mention there would have been a big hub bub about it in the media -
this one little mistake will soon be forgotten and will not hurt his legacy one jot as he goes on to decimate record after record -
------- get used to him winning manx because it aint gonna end any time soon
posted on 24/3/13
Brundle has made the comment before, he called him petulant and childish.
Like I said, whether you believe me or not doesn't bother me dear boy.
Vettel showed the world today his true nature and like Webber said, the team will protect him like they always do even when he's wrong.
Have a good night
posted on 24/3/13
man unt devil
so it is only brundle now
----in you topic it was " alot of people "
now it is only brundle ,
posted on 25/3/13
MUDD being called a “liar” by the obnoxious moron (U9033) is a compliment as the poor fool does not understand the meaning of 50% of the words he uses and the other 50% he does not know how to spell.
Back on the BBC 606 site there was a member that used the nickname of HamBerg. It was a woman that followed Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg. She contributed to the forum frequently with sensible articles. martial artist (U9033) hated her and would always explode in a fit of child like rage to insult her. Obviously he targeted her because he thought that being a woman she was easy prey.
HamBerg created a rather harmless article based on a Autosport news item that mentioned that the McLaren design team was split into 2, one team concentrating on the current car and the other team devoted to the next season car.
martial artist (U9033) Flew into a childish violent rage accusing HamBerg of being a “Liar”
At that time I was a subscriber to the Autosport online articles and I confirmed that what Hamberg had said was true.
So martial artist (U9033) called me a liar.
Previous to this development, martial artist (U9033) had claimed that he subscribed to Autosport.
You should have experienced the pathetic lengths that martial artist (U9033) went to squirm his way out of the position he had backed himself into.
I asked him how much his Autosport magazine cost him and he claimed that he did not know because his wife paid for it. I asked him how come he did not read the article and he claimed that his son had taken the magazine to school. I asked him why he did not read the article after his son came home from school and he said he was at boarding school.
The following tuesday he denied everything and repeated that I was a Liar.
Gordon Murray and Cosicave have bent over backwards to try to reason with martial artist (U9033) but the guy is not the full shilling.
posted on 25/3/13
I gave Brundle as an example, Coulthard, irvine and Humphries have said the same thing that there are two faces to Vettel.
You claim you have bbc and sky but haven't heard it. That's your problem not mine. Even without them saying it, Vettel's outbursts reinforce that belief and there is more than enough evidence of that.
I understand why you've stuck your colours to the Vettel mast as you need someone who's beating Hamilton to make you feel good as you despise Hamilton more than anything and that's fine.
It would help your cause if you were objective when your lover fecked up and he did, accept it.
If Hamilton had done what he did, you would be calling him names and insulting his intelligence even though you said on another article that we really do not know anything about f1 drivers apart from what tv shows us.
However that doesn't stop you from drawing conclusions about Hamilton but the same rule doesn't apply to other drivers.
Like I said on the other thread, do you speak out your backside as it sounds like you do as you contradict yourself constantly
posted on 25/3/13
Fair play to how Webber has reacted tbf.
If I saw this happening to me I wouldve smacked Vettel after the race, or run him over.
posted on 25/3/13
man unt devil
come on now manx lets try and debate with a little bit of commonsense mate , nobody on sky or the bbc is going to call vettel or any other driver a spoilt brat none of the presenters are that rude - you might not like vettel and that is your choice but making up little fairy tales about a driver you dont like is a bit silly ,
as for the rest of your hamilton infatuated rubbish that you are trying to draw me into -
-- come on now manx you are a better person than to indulge in that kind of infantile blubbering ---
-------- you are a better person than that --------arnt you manx ?
posted on 25/3/13
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