Games: 46
Goals: 12
Assists: 9
Minutes per goal: 322
Transfer fee £16,000,000
Games: 39
Goals: 4
Assists: 14
Minutes per goal: 2,937
Transfer fee £25,000,000
Which spaniard has been the better value for money?
it's close but imo Cazorla is the 3rd best spanish midfielder after Iniesta and Xavi. Silva I think is going downhill, hasn't really set the league alight this season.
Santi vs Silva
posted on 25/3/13
Triple post!!!
posted on 25/3/13
Busquets > Fabregas
posted on 25/3/13
Mata is demonstrably better than both.
Tub-thumping- but ultimately ill-educated gunners, would have you believe otherwise.
posted on 25/3/13
That's like comparing Oranges and Boeing 747s.
posted on 25/3/13
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 25/3/13
silva is the worst Spanish player in the world
posted on 25/3/13
Silva does nothing, he turns up in half a dozen games a season, he only looks good when City are on-song. He never does nothing in any big game or when they really need him. He's a typical overrated average spanish player
posted on 25/3/13
Just tone down on the idiocy a little. I don't think we can handle you going full handicap on us.
posted on 25/3/13
Well you're either an idiot or blind, so either try getting some specs or stop being so deluded Dubbed
posted on 25/3/13
Deluded? Silva's not even our player. That word is not relevant.
In fact, it suits you more.