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Article Rating 5 Stars

I will await the abuse for suggesting!!

I think and hope that pearson goes today,(2 weeks too late). Just wondered if, dare i say it---
Warnock till,the end of the seaon would be an idea.
Yes he is a hard man to like,he said some things about our club in the past which did not endear him. But his record at this level in this situation is very good.
He is only lower in my dislike list following Taylor, Wise , and Shearer, but putting personal opinions aside we could do a lot worse till the end of the season.
Whether or not Pearson goes today, remains to be seen , but if he does then who is there any better for the lasy few games than Colin.
We now have nothing to lose, but may have everything to gain as it could rekindle our chances,which have all but gone under Pearson.

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 2/4/13

That's the thing- who do we get? Aside from O'Neill (who chances are may want a break from the game) no one jumps out as an outstanding candidate.

posted on 2/4/13

Di Matteo ?

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 2/4/13

Prawn- good shout, maybe unlikely I'm not sure

posted on 2/4/13

DiMatteo would be my choice also Prawn but I maintain my hope that Pearson can turn this around (even if it is looking more and more desperate).

Warnock and Dennis wise. The only two people that would mean I do not attend or give money to the club if they were ever appointed in any capacity.

posted on 2/4/13

I think Pearson should be given next season. However if the owners panic again, Warnock could be one of the few managers who might do a short term motivation job. He'd be divisive amongst the fans, but in the end if successful who cares?

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