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Crisis Point -part 2

Since posting original article yesterday morning -prior to Barnsley trip- there has been an explosion of posts and articles on the issues at our club -and of course the continuance of bad results have added to the issues and sharpened debate.
One thing is sure -action must be taken by the owners to repair an increasingly fractured club.
A number of questions were raised on my original article which I will try to respond to here plus the overall question about what can happen next and the security of the club -which is paramount.

LCFCprawn asked whether an immediate dismissal of Pearson and a move for MO'N might be an option - to be honest I don't think so - and our next appointment must be measured and carefully considered.

With six games to go it is difficult to envisage a new man could radically affect results although sometimes there is a " new broom" effect . So unless the owners have already earmarked and discussed targets with a new manager I see no advantage in replacing Pearson until the season end.

If there was an adequate available caretaker for the rest of the season then I would go down that route as players have an uncanny knack of scenting "dead men walking "in managers.
I believe we have been very fortunate In terms of the owners and I admire their attitude and ethos -but they must be increasingly concerned with their investment and the potential for realising the debts and of course Premiership football is their only salvation. I feel they were cut adrift slightly when Mandaric and Hoos finally left- having stayed on after the takeover as a bridging step-
Mandaric -whatever his faults had a wealth of football club experience and together with Hoos made a formidable and professional pair - and as Pearson was to find out -there was no doubt about the power base and the relativerole of a team manager .
The owners appointment of Neville as Director of Football -because he was "there" is in my opinion part of the problems. A long time servant at the club -generally as Secretary- he seemed out of depth in the new world of player power -agents- global owners -global managers and when Pearson was reappointed he seemed happy to revert to the "support" role and what many of us forecast at the appointment time -happened.The club became like a personal fiefedom starting with a crusdae to show that anything that had happened during his Hull exile was to be unravelled and a team rebuilt in his image.
It seems the owners profile within the club receded and certainly their dynamic interchange with the supporters -so obvious under Eriksson- was less evident and I hear that most of their relationship surrounded contact with our Academy personnel.
I know that Cardiff City Malay owners felt that their "messages" were often diluted by the internal structures at their club and eventually they appointed a Malay chief executive and the communication conduit is very direct. I beleive that our owners need to similarly find a way to address the fans
In terms of new manager -which I have consistently called for - and if the owners have the committment to again try to build a Premiership team why not open discussions with 1) Alan Curbishley -who wants a club with long term ambition or 2) Roberto Di Matteo only lives 30 minutes from Leicester
why not think positive -I know European Champions League to Leicester seems a step down - but........ who knows

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 2/4/13

Well Nev - I should imagine a training ground and dressing room under Birch would not be boring -who knows!!
To be honest - if I had a magic wand -and assuming no new manager is already earmarked- I would go outside the box for last 6 games.
I would ask Morgan to be player manager for this period with Nugent as his assistant -and let them get on with it
Bet we'd see improvement

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 2/4/13

Birch?! Morgan?! What is going on here.

I didn't realise Di Matteo lived so close. I suppose he would be most fans choice along with Martin. Aside from that no one really jumps out now Adkins has got the Reading job. That's the dilemma with getting rid of Pearson

posted on 2/4/13

Having slept on it, I also believe Di Matteo should be first choice but see little point in postponing the inevitable with Pearson.

You have to ask yourself if you honestly believe that Pearson can get enough results before the end of the season to keep us in contention? Based on the last 13/14 games and the fact that we are due to play many of the form teams over the next few weeks, I can only see one thing happening and I believe our season will be all but over by 5.00 pm on Saturday.

A new manager (or caretaker) would not have long enough to make any real impression but a few tweaks here and there and a change of attitude in the camp would not do any harm.

I think Pearson will hang on until Saturday but if he loses, it will be over.

posted on 2/4/13

not sure di matteo would want this long term, he has had a league one team and gain promotion with a championship team done very well with chelsea and won the champions league. I would have though his minimum type of club would be a newcastle/stoke/everton type role.

However i would think that with a nice bonus he may take over for a few games...

posted on 2/4/13

The man i would like to see apart from Birch would be Chris Powell. He's a perfect fit for the club and maybe he has taken Charlton as far as he can?

posted on 2/4/13

Chris powell---yes please.

posted on 2/4/13

Finally good suggestions on Pearson's replacement! Forget DiCanio (oh dear god), and MON.

In my opinion, if Pearson is given until the end of the season and nothing improves, I think we have no choice but to change. It would be a shame as people will know that I like the way he has gone about reshaping the club but if he can't get results, that becomes irrelevant.

But at least we're now talking about the right targets. Di Matteo and Powell. Di Matteo ha pedigree in getting a club up playing a similar style to ours so hopefully there would be the minimal disruption FFP requires.

Powell, well, I just love him and think he is a future England manager but is it just to early?

And for once JG, I agree with you. I don't think Neville has helped the situation at all. He seems to have the authority of a baby chick!

My first choice is still that Pearson can turn this around and push on. But even I accept that is starting to look less and less likely.

Come on Nige, one last push to prove the doubters wrong (clutches straws tightly)....

posted on 2/4/13

To get some balance in this thread I'd stick with Pearson next season no matter how this one ends.

posted on 2/4/13

John, what's your view on the financial implications of changing manager? We are talking about £2m roughly to let Pearson go, are we getting to a position where that might not be financially viable? There is no guarantee of promotion with any new manger although that would be my preferred option.

I think Brian McDermott could be a sensible choice, probably cheaper than Di Matteo. To be honest Di Matteo is used to having money to burn, WBA spent a lot getting out of the championship, he wouldn't get that here

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 2/4/13

Well Blackstarr-finances -thats the key to everything going forward.
Overall I agree with Gus Poyet - this season represents the lowest quality "top end" Championship there has been for some years -and therefore the best chance for promotion.
However next season is likely to be different and overall we are short on quality in our squad. So whoever takes over will need to spend and will need more serious investment from the owners.
You are right that starts with a pay off -not only for Pearson -but also his two travelling cronies who also are serious earners...... so thats the decision gateway -if Top and Co. unload Pearson you can be sure that they have also taken decision to further support new manager in financial terms
Will they do it- I honestly believe the decision wheel is spinning with the odds slightly against further serious investment .

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