If Cena has anykind of brain, small as it is, he'll bow out for good at Mania 30. He's won 4653738 Titles and beaten everybody in his PG Pansy Era that might be considered ' legit opponents'. He beat his 2 biggest opponents in C.M Punk and The Rock so he must finally be fulfilled. Rock put him over in the biggest match he'll ever have and it'll only be downhill from here. He's got injuries too which he said are starting to affect him.
No need for a 3rd match between him and Rock but I think he'll go up against Taker next Mania. He's spent 10 years at the top and nobody can deny he's worked his can off and been a great role model. As a character though he's been a huge letdown and has never innovated like he should and could've.
Wasted chances and too corporate and childish sum him up as a character, very stiff and robotic for his ability in ring. Great on the mic but once again way to childish, goofy, repeating the same promo's, unsincere in the way he comes across, like he's reading a script word for word without being himself. It's too late for a Heel turn now as last night really was the final chance to go for it.
I'm sure he's a great down to earth guy in real life and he does come across that way but his legacy in the wrestling world will forever be one of a career loved by kids and derided by anyone over 12. He's got himself and Vince to blame for that.
Retirement must surely be on his mind now as there is nobody left worth a t055 to feud with. Only Taker remains and Mania 30 will probably be his final ever match. Taker will not lose that. So really Cena.........just bow out as 'Champ'.
John Cena - Retrospective
posted on 8/4/13
Cena has been in WWE for almost 10 years! He's been annoying everyone that doesn't eat fruity pebbles for the last 7 years. Same Old Same Old doesn't even cut it he's so stale. In fact he's so stale he should be dust.
posted on 8/4/13
Did the hate for him start when the Rock came back? Or was this building before then?
posted on 8/4/13
Hated since 06.
posted on 8/4/13
You, personally? Or the whole fanbase? I remember he was pretty popular in 06, as was batista, both of them were on the wwe game cover
posted on 8/4/13
I've always hated him. I think the boos started in 06, though.
posted on 8/4/13
I loved his rivalry with Edge, tbh. That and when he won the title off JBL were his only good moments imo.
posted on 8/4/13
Last night was his Rock-WM19 moment, it's not going to get any bigger, any more furfilling for him than that image of The Rock's admiration in his right hand and the WWE Championship in his left. That is the grandest height he'll ever accomplish - from the characters prospective that moment would rank higher than if he was to end the streak (which could even factor into any Taker match at WM in the future - he's the only wrestler who doesn't "need" to beat Taker).
From a creative standpoint, John Cena the fictional character has reached nirvana - he's completed
posted on 8/4/13
Hopefully he retires tonight.
posted on 9/4/13
That would be fantastic.
posted on 9/4/13