Anyone else listen on Five Live last night with that thing about the 606 forums coming back in July?
Will everyone stay here or go back to those traitors BBC ?!?!
BBC 606 to return
posted on 19/4/13
My smiley dissapeared. You are a good man subs.
posted on 19/4/13
Is this still getting bites
Sorry admin I meant to do it on April Fools day but I forgot! Peterbaey encouraged me!
And GT what the hell?!? I thought we were pals ?
posted on 19/4/13
lnk cr b82rez 2g4
posted on 19/4/13
Chris H,
I don't think you realise what you've done. That was it for me. I was a warm room filled with a fuzzy white light. No bitterness, no hypocrisy, no recrimination...and then you brought me back to it all.
posted on 19/4/13
this is one of the best WUMs I've seen. Fair play OP
posted on 5/7/13
So... it is July... is BBC606 back? Cannot wait to be able to leave this shïtty forum for the glory of the original.
posted on 5/7/13
I hate you DJ, hate you.
posted on 5/7/13
Greatest WUM article ever.
posted on 5/7/13
posted on 5/7/13
Ban him admin!!!! Use your powers for selfish reasons, smite him SMITE HIM NOW