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Bulking Tips

First of all, if you could take the time to 'proof read' my workout? Been recommended this;

Monday - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Incline dumbbell press - 8 Sets - 5 reps
Incline dumbbell Flies - 8 Sets - 5 reps
Incline Barbell Press - 8 sets - 5 reps
Standing military Press - 8 sets 5 reps
Lateral dumbbell raises - 8 sets 10-20 reps
Skull crushers - 8 sets of 5 reps
Diamond push ups - 8 sets 10-20 reps

Wednesday - Back and Biceps

Pull ups - 8 sets of 5-8 reps
Seated rows - 8 sets of 5 reps
Upright rows - 8 sets of 5 reps
Standing Barbell curls - 8 sets of 5 reps
Preacher curls - 8 sets of 5 reps

Friday - Legs&Core

Front squats - 8 sets of 5-8 reps
Straight leg deadlift - 8 sets 5 reps
Planks - 3 sets 2 mins
Side planks - 3 sets each side 2 mins

First set at MAX, following sets at 80%

Also any dietary tips would be appreciated.

New gym up the road from me opening next week, only £15 a month and it looks pretty good! Any advice welcome.

posted on 7/5/13

You ever use wrist straps when doing it?

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 7/5/13

No. Or gloves or chalk or anything. I really need to sort that out actually, it can feel like i'm going to make my hands bleed sometimes

posted on 7/5/13

Ive used wrist straps once, its is so much easier to lift an extra 30kg I feel.

Apparently its really bad for you and your technique etc. I am a bit tired of lifting heavy of late.

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 7/5/13

Well given past talk I think you're overdue a cut, it takes the pleasure out of life a bit but it makes you look amazing. And you can reach a sort of about your crap life as well. And you'll feel great too

posted on 7/5/13

Crap life? Puh-lease!

Yeah, I am due a cut so bad

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 7/5/13

Also any dietary tips would be appreciated.


Don't eat like Edin

Calculate your macros from a website and try adhere to that. Eat regularly and try to eat 1g/lb of bodyweight of protein a day. Eat loads on workout days and less elsewhere. You need fat but don't go ballistic

posted on 7/5/13

comment by TCW - Only one Di Matteo - ☆ (U6489)
posted 4 hours, 15 minutes ago
Also any dietary tips would be appreciated.


Eat like a Boss!

Personally, i would jack your protein to 2g/lb - make sure you get your veggies and the likes for fibre though.

As for animal protein, red meats are king as they have more calories than white meat and the likes.

Don't be scared of good fats! like Omega 3s, butter and Olive oil.

Make sure your post-work out nutrition (and your peri-work out nutrition even) is on point.

Go on a “150 percent calorie splurge day.” Once every five days consume 50 percent more calories than you regularly do; it works like magic.

Get adequate rest and relaxation.

posted on 7/5/13

Dont consume 5000/6000 calories like I did, you see fast results but want to kill yourself at the same time

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 7/5/13

TRC almost nobody needs that much protein, apart from that

posted on 2/7/17

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