Who can guess tonight's attendance at the Bridge, just a little fun, see who can get the closest . My guess is 25,000......and that incudes the ball boys!
posted on 2/5/13
what jfdi, I didn't mention any think about you, do you have your glasses on?
posted on 2/5/13
right im of now fellow ja 606ers, COME ON THE BASEL!!!!!
posted on 2/5/13
I'll go for 36,198
posted on 2/5/13
Maka, seriously... its 3pm in the afternoon in Manhattan.......
posted on 2/5/13
Ronny, are you a fellow Blue in Manhattan?
posted on 2/5/13
No bar men will have their skulls caved in unlike after Liverpool games makiveli though!
posted on 2/5/13
what mancblueloz? does that make sense because I don't understand it
posted on 3/5/13
Well who looks an even bigger Richard Head now than he did six hours ago!
JFDI, I popped into the Welly to see if you were in there - was going to buy you a pint!
posted on 3/5/13
It's a comment about the conduct of Liverpool fans after European games numbnuts!
posted on 3/5/13
I hope you had a great evening Brummie, bit of a stressy work day yesterday, next couple of days ain't going to be much easier until the headless chickens settle down, we are getting there.