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FA Cup Final

On Saturday, Wigan will walk out for their first FA Cup Final.

Wigan can briefly leave their league problems behind. It's a one-off and Martinez will be hoping for a close match and an opportunity to score.

And a win would give the team an enormous boost for their last two games.

posted on 10/5/13

I can't help thinking the inhabitants of Wigan would much prefer to be watching a game of rugby than the FA Cup final.

posted on 10/5/13

Normally I’d be right behind the under-dogs and wishing you every success for Saturday but Whelan has been doing my fruit in now for a very long time trotting out his Cup Final tale of woe at every opportunity and implying time and again that Norman Deeley (who isn’t here to defend himself RIP) was to blame for his injury when it was Whelan late to the ball.

For that reason and that reason alone I hope that he leaves Wembley just miserable as he did last time he was involved in a final.

posted on 11/5/13

I have Wigan at 7/1 in 90 minutes. That's you lot done for.

posted on 11/5/13

Good luck Wigan.

posted on 11/5/13

Hope Wigan are thrashed - justice for Norman Deeley.

posted on 11/5/13

With luck followed by relegation.

posted on 11/5/13


posted on 11/5/13

It's a shame the FA Cup was won by a club whose local population don't give a hoot about football. And Dave Whelan is an obnoxious individual.

But I'm glad for Roberto Martinez. He's a good manager and a nice guy.

posted on 11/5/13


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