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Michael Emenalo


Very interesting!

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 31/5/13

Celsea quick to jump on the press, yeah right, since when????????

I wouldn't heckle a professional, what's the point, they would just make you look extremely silly, sadly we had two such idiots there last night. They were not popular. Show was brilliant though.

Gorund work is what I thought a pretty well known phrase, originates I guess from the building trade, before you can buid a house you have to lay the foundations, this is the ground work. In many things in life people tend to refer to preperation for for something as laying the ground work.

The press develop stories and use past stories to give newer ones legs (or more credance if you like).

Take yesterdays article by Neil Ashton in the mail, why Ashley Cole dis not deserve the captaincy then going on to regurgetate loads of old claptrap basically painting him as some dispicable human being. Going by the comments his wasn't a popular article or opinion even to many who claim to hate Cole but I digress. The ground work for that article was established previously.

Hope this helps, ifit doesn't, that's all you are getting, I have better things to do with my time.

posted on 31/5/13

But groundwork for what ?
No need to be my dictionary

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 31/5/13

Ypu asked me to explain what I meant.

Groudwork for what are you really that dim, the story we were discussing of course.

posted on 31/5/13

So their groundwork is to make Mourinho and Emenalo to fallout ?

posted on 31/5/13

Or just me and Gazza ?

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 31/5/13

No dippy.

posted on 31/5/13

So what is their groundwork for ?

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 31/5/13

In my opinion to create the impression that there was already an issue between them. They were already creating the impression they do not get on. The latest article does not in my opinion further that and as I said I do not believe a word of it, nor do I see any point in it, not that I did in their earlier stories either.

posted on 31/5/13

Still don't see what groundwork it creates.
Unless it's true of course

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 31/5/13

You seem confused still, I will leave you to it.

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