(admins, can this be put on Man City and Liverpool boards?)
Rupert Murdoch's plans for a summer football 'super league'
Would this work?
Would teams want to enter the competition?
Would they take is seriously or use it for warm-up?
Would this eventually rival other competitions?
Personally, I am against the competition, but wouldn't want my team to miss out: in 20 years time when other teams are bragging about winning the Murdoch Cup 5 times, I don't want to use the excuse "we didn't enter it".
Rupert Murdoch's plans for a summer footbal
posted on 15/6/13
That's fake.
posted on 15/6/13
"And what about the World Cup? The European Championship? The Confederations Cup? They're the show pieces of FIFA, why would they compromise those tournaments for this plan?"
Kerry Packer (for those old enough to remember!) set up a cricket competition without the permission of the authorities, Murdoch might do the same and money might talk.
posted on 15/6/13
He did not have sx with that woman!
posted on 15/6/13
Kerry Packer (for those old enough to remember!) set up a cricket competition without the permission of the authorities, Murdoch might do the same and money might talk.
True but there was little money in cricket (relative to football) so getting players to rebel and make themselves ineligible for other competitions wasn't inconceivable.
Football make multi-millionaires out of players, where's the incentive to rebel?
posted on 15/6/13
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posted on 15/6/13
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posted on 15/6/13
FIFA has already said it would like leagues to be played in the summer to accomodate their sheik paymasters.
Who cares who's inconvenienced, as long as Sepp gets his money.
posted on 15/6/13
i think for clubs like CFC it maywell interfere with the clubs agenda for networking in targeted areas for brand expansion & merchandising.
posted on 15/6/13
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posted on 15/6/13
Overdose !......I recomend it for Murdoch,slimy character.