Continuing my theme on HTAFC interacting with the fans better...because we do need to unite as one, two way support.
Nottingham Forest away 4 weeks today, it'll be expensive to get in, we got thrashed there last's a new season, new why don't Town start as they mean to go on...
Free Coach travel for all Town fans to this game..?
Why not....It would set a marker down, we mean business...thousands of Town fans to support the lads, start as we mean to go on...and what would it cost, a mere £3,000 or something ?
That's the sort of thing I'd want to see from Town next the fans the club is really with them...
HTAFC initiative.....
posted on 6/7/13
a subsidised "travel card" might be a better idea.. more home/away tickets you have/buy the bigger the discount you get on travel...or town could set a maximum price for away coach travel...
doing the occasional freebie isn't a long term "plan"....
it might be better that more people could afford to go to Yeovil rather than 4/5 thousand go to forest and just the few diehards turn up at Yeovil..??
The 15 quid for the Bradford match was a bit of a kick in the slats... cover more policing etc, I know but to add an extra fiver over last years early cup rounds wasn't an auspicious start to prices for the new season..
posted on 7/7/13
FFS jacko if you want a lift just say so .
How about new season new start all town fans to stop foookin moaning starting with u jack fookin o .
posted on 7/7/13
Ha ha..Loui... I've missed your wit....
When did I ever moan though ? apart from last season..and the season before...and this summer a bit....
posted on 7/7/13
38. I agree about a loyalty scheme, but the thing about that is it just rewards the regulars...nothing wrong with that but not likely to attract newcomers.
Last season Town did 1 game at £10, although they said they were doing 2 originally ...problem with that is SC holders moaning about it devaluing their tickets.
Away games, albeit not putting money into Towns coffers, is one way to give fans a taste of that 'special' away atmosphere...discounted travel, and maybe even discounting/subsidising away tickets for a few games would not only boost the players with a decent away following, but hopefully hook some of those fans to attend some home games and also help create a better JSS atmosphere.
It can only be a matter of time before Town set up a membership scheme anyway, perhaps linked to canalside even ...subject to capacity there. Membership schemes reward fans for loyalty/spends with various offers and discounts...and maybe away surprised Jarvis hasn't introduced this yet to be honest.
posted on 8/7/13
We'll pretty much sell out for the Forest game anyway so we'd just be denying ourselves money. HTAFC do lots for the community, much more than most clubs do anyway, so I don't see why they should be going out of their way to do more. If people can't afford to go to matches they won't go, unfortunately there's not much the club can do about it.
posted on 8/7/13
I'd rather pay to go on the train than with the Town Travel club or HTSA
posted on 8/7/13
go by car...your own "boss" can get there when you like(within reason and traffic problems), stop when you like and if your clever enough get away away sharpish after the game..
get 5 people in a car sharing the cost, better than a coach fare that is from £10 per person upwards...
problem now is the parking anywhere near away grounds.. im getting the feeling that some clubs just don't want away support unless it comes on a coach...
you go to the expense of having a car for convenience, pay through the bloody nose for it and then the "world and his wife" don't actually want you to use the car..
posted on 8/7/13
If they all arrived on coaches it would make things easier to police and therefore less costly to the home club
posted on 8/7/13
You could go by space ship
posted on 9/7/13
I might go by train..then I can get sloshed....however Nottingham station is shut due to works trains only go to East Midlands Parkway then you have to get a bus...and it's £25 from Denby Dale....