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Nigel Pearson really doesn't rate St Ledger

If proof were needed that Big Nige really doesn't rate SSL then it has been provided by the Official Site.

“Everybody is training apart from Sean St. Ledger," revealed the manager in his pre-match press conference. “It depends how he responds to the treatment he has, but hopefully it won’t be too long that he’s out for."

“He had a similar injury last pre-season and he recovered relatively quickly from that one. It’ll be anywhere between three and six weeks, hopefully closer to six."

Oh dear!


posted on 16/8/13

Rates him for value for money about as much as me...

He'd be gone if we could sell him.

posted on 16/8/13

What a terrible misquote!


It was a misquote, wasn't it Nigel...?

posted on 16/8/13

Listen to the booty room its a miss quote. More worrying was what he did not say. My interpretation is there are offers for key players on the table from other clubs and he has no say in it if the club want's the money.

And this was stringers way of a heads up to us that something was happening?

posted on 16/8/13

Stringer knows nothing about what's happening, he proved that time and time again last season!

posted on 16/8/13

No one knows whats going on thats why the question

posted on 17/8/13

Love the Freudian slip in the quote.

Nev, I hope you are worrying unneccessarily about offers for players. Having lumbered the club with masses of debt, there is one realistic way of getting this repaid, which is achieving the promised land. This isn't going to happen if the owners allow our best players to be creamed off by other clubs - interest in Kasper, Wes and Kingy rejected?

So I'm quite pleased with the transfer situation at present. I'll be a lot happier when the window closes without us losing anybody though!

posted on 17/8/13

Who knows if i was a lower prem club there are players here i would be after. Depends on the desire to reduce dept against the need for promotion.
Without knowing the facts it hard to know which way it goes Nigel did not give much reassurance in his interview.

a copule of i don't know gov does not reassure that he is control of out going transfers

posted on 17/8/13

The way Pearson's been talking in recent interviews implies that he doesn't know whether any players he wants to keep will be sold out from under his nose but that he suspects it might happen. He doesn't come across like someone who's in particular control of transfers and is having a sly moan about it.

The obvious rumour to this regard would be Konchesky - someome on high wages who is in the first team but whose departure wouldn't cause particular shockwaves. However, if a firesale was on the cards then I think Kasper would have departed some time ago.

posted on 17/8/13

Unloading Konch makes sense. Losing Kasper, Wes and/or Kingy doesn't. I'm not saying that other clubs are not interested in them, just that it makes no sense to sell.

It would only get a moderate return - less than £10M? Like putting a sticking plaster on the gaping wound that is the club's debt. Also making it really difficult to get out of the division which is the key to getting the club financially stable.

We'll see over the next week or so.

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