So Lenny and the boys are worried about an 8 hour flight into the unknown and a few hours time difference? The same players that according to Lenny are "running on empty" after 2 games into the season? What a bunch of namby pampys!
I recently travelled from here in the USA to India on 3 different flights, through 2 different time zones that took over 30 hours to see a little boy my wife and I want to adopt. I was tired when I got there but still spent the rest of the time there with not much complaint.
Now I wasn't travelling first class, I didnt have nice open spaces on the plane and im not a 25 year old fit football player who gets paid a fortune. In fact most of the Celtic players earn more in 2 weeks than I do in one year!
Its an 8 hour flight for goodness sake with a few hours time difference. You can handle it. Try doing my job if you want standing for 13 hours a day for a pittance looking after people with cancer......then you can complain about running on empty!
Namby Pamby Footballers!
posted on 18/8/13
Footballers are pampered, i dont doubt it gets tiring because my lungs cant hack 5 minutes running but they dont know what a hard days work is.
The way they complain as well at being held at a club paying them about 100 grand a week is sickening. Those poor souls
posted on 18/8/13
Don't agree. I haven't heard anybody complain about the travel. Samaras said the following before the Aberdeen game:
"Travelling is like our second job. Last year from September to December, I spent more time in hotels and travelling than I did in my house in Glasgow. It is part of our life, we are used to it. Today it is Aberdeen, tomorrow it is Kazakhstan"
posted on 18/8/13
Izzy its not just the travel thing. What about Lennys comments about the players running on empty? I mean excuse me but the poor guys only got a 5 week summer break after all! And then had to play 4 or 5 games......I feel their pain!
posted on 18/8/13
The squad didn't do themselves any favours when they came through the airport yesterday.
Wee kid about 5 was waiting with his dad at the check in desks for ages waiting for them. Full kit and scarf on. They arrived and the wee chap asks for autographs 3 players (I'm not sure who, was the girls who checked them that told me and they don't know the players names) stopped and signed his bit of paper, the rest of them blanked him.
I saw the kid cutting about and he must have been waiting for a couple of hours for them.
I don't doubt that other teams players do the same, which is why I've not done an article on it. Poor show from men who have been made rich off the back of kids like the wee boy getting their parents to buy tickets merch etc.
posted on 18/8/13
Looking for shîte to moan about.
posted on 18/8/13
Agree with you about the "running on empty" is funny after 2/3 competitive games. They get paid good money to keep themselves fit.
If Lennon said anything about the trip, it was probably because it was a trip into the unknown "first British club to play in Kazakhstan " and the requirement to secure visas for everybody at short notice.
I remember you saying on here you were trying to adopt from India. Any progress?
posted on 18/8/13
Yes, saw the little boy and he's great. My wife and I signed the paperwork and we should be able to get himIin about 10 months. A lot of red tape to go through unfortunately! Then of course will have to make the long journey out there again, at least ill be getting paid loads of money to do it and its my job.........oh wait
posted on 18/8/13
posted on 18/8/13
VB they should have a wee peek at the NHL schedule.
80 league games a season and travelling all over North America playing 4 games in 7 nights at times.
Oh and they really do get clattered.
BTW CBC broadcasts NHL games in Punjabi.
posted on 18/8/13
I know Q they are such poosies quite frankly! In Punjabi? Thats awesome