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Will Kenwright spend?

What is going on at Everton? I mean just a few days away from the closure of the transfer window and it's looking likely that we won't be signing anyone else. Why are we always like this? Every team in the league is strengthening there side but we are still left with more or less the same side from last year.
I don't want us to go out and buy just for the sake of it but surely we should be looking and be able to add something to the squad.

I just feel that come next week we will have lost at least one player maybe two without any coming in to replace them, why should we be waiting for someone to buy a player before we can generate money to buy someone, why haven't we got cash to spend like everybody else in the premiership? If or when we lose Baines & Fellaini are the club going to come out with the usual we didn't have enough time, well bulls__t you have had all summer to identify players and get them in, so we don't want any excuses next week.
After seeing the first 3 games so far it very easy to see that we need a striker, someone who can put the ball in the net. Again I don't expect us to spend £30 mil but we must have some cash to go out and buy someone who can score goals without having to sell first (and I don't mean Kone, from last nights showing he confirmed all my fears when we signed him).

So come on Bill where is the money?
Rant over

posted on 29/8/13

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posted on 29/8/13

comment by *** Respected Didi Hamann *** (U5172) posted 9 minutes ago
Really? You know why, Bill hasn't got the money to spend, surely you've picked up on this by now?

If he had it, I have no doubt you'd be out spending it.


Didi, I hate our fans who act like this. Bill is a shareholder and Chairman. If fans want the club to spend money it doesnt have, why not ask this question to each share holder?

2-3 k for each share would raise £105M for a spending spree.

Wonder how many small/single holders could afford that, they all would see the dividened return for improved performance.

posted on 29/8/13

I tell you what Hazy,we better not sell Baines without finding an adequate replacement,as Oviedo look awful.

posted on 29/8/13

Fell, I'm not normally someone who has a go at the board and I do respect what Bill has done over the years, but sometimes I just get p_ssed off when I see every other club making signing and we are just left with nothing.
I realise we haven't got money like Chelsea or Man City but can you really tell me that clubs like Norwich & stoke generate more cash than Everton. If that is the case then something really must be wrong at the club.

posted on 29/8/13

Its not about generating cash. What was last years wage bill for these clubs.
Southampton were in administration and in league one; they were a snip.

Norwich also took a massive jump in budget making the step up.

Everyone can point the finger at the club figurehead. But its every single share holder that needs to dip into their pockets.
Also are the two teams you mentioned spending the increase in PL revenue early in a bid to stay in the money pit

posted on 29/8/13

I am no financial expert but I do understand what you're saying. It's just frustrating that I think we have a very good squad but we always have to sell to buy, mainly our best players so we will never progress at this rate. So the board and the shareholders all have to take the blame for this.
Why I single Bill out is because he shouldn't make stupid comments like he did a few months ago regarding talking to investors, it would be best if he just kept his mouth shut. In my own opinion this is the reason why a lot of fans don't trust him and vent their anger towards him.

posted on 29/8/13

There is nothing wrong with telling fans he is talking to investors. No matter what he does and goes and sell his shares 30% he cant force others to sell their shares and a controlling stake would need two of the three (or BK and the remaining small shareholders to sell) They can then take a pop at buying woods and earls shares.

So if he said HE spoke with buyers/investors he could be telling the truth.

posted on 29/8/13

Shouldn't we be profitable this year with a reduced wage bill, less finch farm rent and 30m extra tv money

posted on 29/8/13

Extra TV cash is next season I believe. Finch farm still costs. That however is not the issue, we have a higher percentage wage to turnover ratio than the two clubs mentioned. I wonder how many players they have earning 30-40k plus a week?

That soon eats up the cash. They have all the difference in cash generated by reaching the PL from earlier budgets and have gambled staying in the leagueby speculating on new TV cash.

comment by RedMen7 (U8888)

posted on 31/8/13

Hi lads,

From what I can see BS have basically the same squad as the last 2 years give or take, it's down to changing manager, it takes time to play a certain way, trust me I know, you will need to lower your expectations for now.

I do think he's a de net manager, but his ideas would only work with a decent budget, sadly something everton have, get behind your man it's only early I the season.

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