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Qatar 2022 - Should never have been picked

'Blatter, 77, has admitted the governing body may have made a "mistake" in awarding the tournament to Qatar in the summer' according to the BBC.

Why has it taken him/FIFA this long to realise errr maybe somewhere where the temperature goes up to 50 degrees is probably not a very good place to hold the SUMMER World Cup?

Any old fool could tell you that! I imagine the disruption caused by holding it in winter will be a massive headache. I for one don't want to watch the world cup in the cold and dark days of winter.

We all know why FIFA chooses certain countries ahead of others and it certainly isn't to try to get those countries more into football. I won't say exactly why or else this article will be deleted but we all know FIFA's motives.

To me it is clear they have made a grave error and need to have the WC elsewhere. Somewhere that has all the infrastructure, stadiums etc to accommodate it, of which there are many to choose from. I am not looking forward to it being held in Russia and I think it is laughable to even consider having it in Qatar!

posted on 13/9/13

You knew this was going to happen as soon as they were announced to host it.

I dont want the world cup to be held in winter but I think it will happen unfortunately

posted on 13/9/13

Its all down to money. I fully back it being a global game, but how many will travel there and to Russia.

posted on 13/9/13

What I don't get is that everyone is whinging about that it could be changed to a winter and that will ruin the schedule for a lot of European leagues. Well what about those leagues who run through the summer like the Brazilian league? Isn't it a bit unfair they have to stop for it as well every single competition?

That said I wouldn't have anything against moving it to the winter if it had been included in the bid. It's not really acceptable to win the bid and then go around changing the rules.

posted on 13/9/13

I've said it before, when the people hand in their votes they should have to give 3 reasons why they chose that country.

These reasons could be that they have better facilities, better transport, good history of big sporting events or a number of things.

At least this way your could track down the people who have taken bungs to vote a certain way beacuse i cannot think of one, let alone 3, good reasons to choose Qatar over any of the other countries who bid for it.

Until this simple plan is enforced, the bungs will continue. The problem is, the people who would approve the scheme are on the bung list so there's no point.


posted on 13/9/13

I had my suspicions right from the beginning of this. I always thought there is something behind this. My first thought was bribery. But where do they get the money from?

Not only that, I wouldn't mind a Winter World Cup personally. Think it's something a little bit different and there are a few countries that do have Winter breaks. But not for everyone.

Even though it was picked a while ago, how are they in about 10 years going to find the money to upgrade their Stadiums, find a good National team of their own and how is it affordable for them?

Russia got there for 2018, good choice if you ask me. But how did a country like Spain/Portugal, Netherlands/Belgium or even England didn't get picked and Qatar did is beyond me.

It's a disgrace.

posted on 13/9/13

Its all down to money. I fully back it being a global game, but how many will travel there and to Russia.

posted on 13/9/13

The reason they chose Qatar is because of what they will get away with.....think taxes here. Qatar has absolutely no infrastructure and has no means to accommodate the influx of fans who would arrive. They have no stadiums. Then you consider the fact that it is a desert and hence ridiculously hot. Beyond stupid to have the WC there.
I like the 3 reasons to chose the place idea. But if you think about how FIFA operate you might see just why that will never happen. "Reason 1: We won't need to pay as much/any tax. Reason 2: We will get our rewards from the dodgy b*stards who bribed us. Reason 3: Errrr will 2 do?"

posted on 13/9/13

Who gives a crap. Would love to see millionaires play At 50 degrees and produce some of the most boring matches in history....

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