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Article Rating 2.33 Stars

Why khan can trouble mayweather.

If these two tango in may,it will stir up a lot of interest here in the UK.This would be khan's biggest fight without a doubt and his biggest payday. I've seen numerous people say floyd will KO khan,some even saying khan won't last 5 rounds,but styles make fights it doesn't matter what you may think of the fighter,if his style suits a certain fighter the fight will be entertaining.Now i'm not saying khan will win,but i honestly think khan can give mayweather a tough fight,and here's why:

Speed kills,and khan has immense speed,some would even say he has the fastest hands in boxing.To beat mayweather speed has to come into play. Mayweather himself is no slouch potato but by next may will he still be as fast?Father time can only be held off for so long,mayweather looked quick against canelo but khan has the speed to match floyd canelo didn't.

Combination puncher
Khan throws punches in bunches,he is in and out quickly and to beat mayweather you have to throw a vast number of punches. Mayweather counters well against slower attacks,but with khans ability to throw several punches it should make it interesting.

Khan has decent power,yet at the same time he doesn't possess the power of a canelo or a garcia,but if he moves up to 147,he has previously said he will feel stronger,so if he does have some sort of power at 147,combined with his speed that could also be a factor in the fight. Mayweather does not have one punch KO power,and this is where khan will feel slightly more comfortable i think. Mayweathers last finish was against ortiz,which was controversial to say the least,but since then his last KO was in 2007 against hatton.With his age and his career at stake,i do not think he will take those kinds of risks.

Khan has a 72 inch reach,which is even with mayweather.Add his speed to his reach and khan brings weapons to the table that make this a very interesting fight.

Ultimately this is all guesswork and the fight will probably end up being a one sided domination by mayweather,but i have a feeling khan will give him a bit more trouble than people think.

Thoughts on Khan's chances and where he can have success?

posted on 31/10/13

Plenty of other boxers like Ward, Eddie Chambers, Mansour, Toney big up fight hype. They dont have a agenda like some other journalists and boxing websites. Ben Thompson also predicted Pacquiao would beat Mayweather in 2010.

posted on 31/10/13

comment by Respected Gunner Koscielny (U5377)
posted 8 minutes ago

As you can see everyone wanted D4 gone and he failed to keep his word. The previous time D4 was voted off he got the mods to pull the thread.

posted on 31/10/13

Laughable D4 accusing someone else of lies.

posted on 31/10/13

Fighthype is known as Floydhype that is how bias they are.

Mr C you don't have to take my word type the names into Google, along with Thompson and Mayweather.

posted on 31/10/13

The haters call them Floydhype but they talk the truth and dont edit articles to suit their agenda. D4 doesn't like Fighthype because it doesn't suit his lies and they expose Bob Arum who was the main reason why Mayweather Pacquiao didn't happen.

posted on 1/11/13

Interesting letter..

posted on 1/11/13

Ffs why can't you guys just get along

RGK don't forget your predictions for tomorrow, let's see if you can defend your title

posted on 1/11/13

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/11/13

VIK don't forget your predictions

posted on 1/11/13

Comments on that thread RGS posted on D4:

comment by kingkongcotto (U14729695)
posted Jan 20, 2011
i thought you were gonna go away yesterday when you said that you never made those comments about mosely being past it before he fought mayweather, but then jones jnr found your cooments and showed you that you actually did say that. but your view changed on mosely as they do with every fighter was fights pacman. plz plz go away and never return.

comment by The Linguist (U14630447)
posted Jan 20, 2011
"I frankly don't care if you stay or go and I don't think many people should or indeed would. You hate Mayweather with a passion and you've probably swayed most neutral fans to want to see Mayweather beat Pacquiao. Freedom of speech is a wonderful gift in the western world so you can keep barking. But every dog eventually stops. Even the bit*hes like you, D4."

Clearly he hasn't. This was two years ago.

comment by HumanWindmill (U11352911)
posted Jan 20, 2011
some people on here just want to go over old ground again and again.


D4, that is one of the funniest things I've ever read at 606.

If you were to continue to produce such comedy gold I'm quite sure that everybody would beg you to stay.

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