Mobile number for sale finishes 07671888!
Interesting wee Xmas present possibly!
Show me your love for your club!!!
Anoybody interested?
posted on 4/10/13
I am assuming this is a joke?
posted on 4/10/13
I'll give you enough to buy Rangers with
posted on 4/10/13
Ally...ah want it...much??
posted on 4/10/13
I want it tae
posted on 4/10/13
Seriously its available. Whats it worth to you?
posted on 4/10/13
Ally..not wanting to go for the sympathy vote here but my eldest son was born 3 months early...was in hospital for most of his first two years and has had problems to contend with all his life as a result. He's 25 now and a great wee guy...Celtic is his life along with his wee job. Now he would love that I'm interested.
posted on 4/10/13
posted on 4/10/13
Magnum, sorry to hear that mate but its not my number! Im researching for a mate who thinks its worth thoosands literally thoosands and he is serious!
posted on 4/10/13
Think my mate wants Ginger to be interested
posted on 4/10/13
Tell your mate that there's more than 10000 numbers ending 1888 out there...not that big a deal..but hard to get