With another international [feck !] weekend looming I am struggling to drum up any enthusiasm [sorry] and have been reduced to memorable movie one liners.
" The day ain't over yet" ... City Slickers.
" This is the war room - you can't fight in here" ...Dr Strangelove
" Not in the face, not in the face" - The Producers
" Leave her alone bi*ch" - Alien
Boredom...boredom...bedom !
posted on 10/10/13
is that boat for the big bite ive got from maestro
You came at me, with your teeth out.
posted on 10/10/13
posted on 10/10/13
posted on 10/10/13
People should know when they are defeated.
posted on 10/10/13
You talkin to me
posted on 10/10/13
comment by mancinicity (U7179)
posted 21 minutes ago
People should know when they are defeated.
gladiators, 1994
posted on 10/10/13
Put the f_kin lotion in the basket.
posted on 11/10/13
It's ....
"Get away from her you b itch!"
posted on 11/10/13
And it was Aliens, not Alien
posted on 11/10/13
She (Weaver) even repeated the same line in Paul.