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Coc. Beat Mourinho 4 the 1st time

My dilemma,
It would so great to finally beat Mourinho, but to do this we have to put out an almost full strength side. Now if they are beaten by a Chelsea second team this will be adverse publicity and result in reduce the morale of the team and to make things worse a vital play maybe injured .
but i really think we can only beat Chelsea with a full strength side.
What do people thinks.

posted on 29/10/13

Hope the lineups aren't too mismatched.

Have a bad feeling it's going to end up with Mata, Willian, Schurlle, Eto'o and co against the likes of Gnabry, Hayden, Ryo and Bendtner.

posted on 29/10/13

"Have a bad feeling it's going to end up with Mata, Willian, Schurlle, Eto'o and co against the likes of Gnabry, Hayden, Ryo and Bendtner"

This will be the case unfortunately

posted on 29/10/13

If Bendtner plays we win.

posted on 29/10/13

I'm not going to underestimate your second team if you do play it. I think the whole of your squad will be full of confidence. I reckon you will go full strength tonight.

Although saying that haven't u got some really tough games coming up ?

posted on 29/10/13

If we want it bad enough we will win, what teams did we get beaten by last year in the CoC and FA cup?

posted on 29/10/13

Wenger will want to end the 9 years of hurt

posted on 29/10/13

We have no choice unfortunately. If Poldi, Walcott and Ox had been fit the last couple of weeks, our second string would've looked considerably stronger. At full strength, this is our best second XI

Jenkinson Mert Verm Monreal
Arteta Wilshere/Diaby
Ox Rosiçky Poldi

Which is pretty impressive IMO. We can't help that Chelsea has a lot of depth, and neither can we help our injuries, that's just how it is. But frankly, the league and Europe trumps the CÔC, I'd be livid if we played someone like Ramsey or Giroud today and they ended up getting injured. It has to be a second string. I'm sure we won't get smashed in any case, the team will put up a strong fight.

posted on 29/10/13

Unfortunately, I think to have any chance of getting one over on Chelsea this evening, Wenger would HAVE TO field either a full-strength or very near full-strength team. We all know that this won't happen.

Chelsea's SQUAD is extremely strong and unfortunately (for us) I think that will tell tonight. I'm hoping it won't be a walkover, but you can take it to the bank that Mourinho will take this game very seriously and I expect Chelsea to win the game.

comment by (U7889)

posted on 29/10/13

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posted on 29/10/13

We could at least field a strong bench though so if we start off badly we can at least have players to bring on in the 2nd half that will attempt to rescue the game.

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