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.......................... how is it all going with everybody.

This year we decided to introduce it at work and nearly half the guys have taken it up with varying degrees of success. That's probably because we've sponsored all participants and offered bonuses for the biggest and the daftest.

We have varying degrees bumfluff, what looks like a yard brush on a top lip and several Mexicans going around saying "a laaast requeeeest greengo" to anyone who's prepared to listen. As for myself, I'm just hoping that the silver fox look catches them all unawares by St. Andrews Day. Otherwise I'll have to do something radical. I'd say that, if all else fails, I'm planning a Charlie Chaplin although others might call it something else.

I've had several people asking if we're going to carry it on into Decembeard and one strange request for sponsorship of Januarsy.

posted on 7/11/13

Hahaha. Awesome. Movember really has taken off in popularity. Glad to hear that you are raising money. Unlike America who seemed to have completely missed the point and do it s a fashion. The point of it was to raise awareness and cash for prostate cancer. and it should continue this way.

Great job Show. (tho we normally don't agree)

posted on 7/11/13

True Ding, true. Normally I'd have you nailed on to win the Januarsey competition.

Don't think we'll be doing that one. The thought o being asked to judge the follicular sculpture of a line up of hirsuit rear ends is not an attractive one. Mind you, I could always pass on these duties to the MemSahib.

posted on 8/11/13


The women in our office have just told about something that's going around Facebook - some women want to organise Fannuary.

posted on 9/11/13

My rugby team do it every year and we have an end of month award for best Mo.

Sadly as I'm back to being self employed this year I couldn't join in - i went full Mexican last year and seeing as I'm one of those blokes that really should shave 3 times a day just to keep up I had a pretty decent set of whiskers!

posted on 11/11/13


Being self employed shouldn't be a barrier. Sounds like you could work a sculpture which Andy Goode would be proud of. Any client should be proud to be associated with a Jimmy Edwards lookalike.

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