Pull up a seat. It's your lucky day. Barry Giblets is sick of reading nonsense on here by kids who think they know Barry Giblets and his life. You don't. You pups know nothing about Barry Giblets. But Barry Giblets is a nice man sometimes. And this is one of those times. Welcome to the first ever Barry Giblets Questions and Answers session. Ask darts legend™ Barry Giblets a question. Darts legend™ Barry Giblets will answer it.
posted on 21/11/13
After recent pictures of Mrs Giblets sunbathing topless were seen in the press, (http://images.sodahead.com/polls/001340625/screenshot062_answer_1_xlarge.jpeg', how does Barry Giblets feel about press intrusion into the lives of our countries high profile clebs ?
posted on 21/11/13
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posted on 21/11/13
Not sure where you get your information from kid but Barry Giblets only marriage is to the oche. Sure, many broads have been and gone, but none could handle the Great Gibbo™. It's not uncommon for topless ladies to surround Barry Giblets on the beach, in the supermarket and in the bars. They see Barry Giblets and they expose their norks. It's fair enough, but it's part of Barry Giblets day to day routine. If the press can't resist lapping it up, that's their problem, not Barry Giblets. They know that the injunction stops them from snapping Barry Giblets, and that's that.
posted on 21/11/13
'Rex'. Do yourself a favour pup. Tell Barry Giblets what your highest ever outshot is. Be honest. Don't give it the big 'un to impress your kid mates. Barry Giblets knows it's less than 42.
posted on 21/11/13
I have a question for some of the other curious members of the public here.
posted on 21/11/13
Barry, is it true the police found indecent images of children on your computer?
posted on 21/11/13
This interview is over.
posted on 21/11/13
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posted on 21/11/13
comment by Tea Sea Double Yew (U6489)
posted 59 minutes ago
I have a question for some of the other curious members of the public here.
-Waiting for the draw.
posted on 27/11/13
Barry Giblets is a crook.