Do people remember how solid this partnership was in the first half of this season? I swear that there's some stat that with theses two on the pitch together we didn't lose a game. Of course when Sandro got injured Parker came in and Dembele wasn't as good. We still haven't seen this partnership really this season and I think it could work wonders against's hoping
posted on 29/11/13
Great what did it say?
posted on 29/11/13
What didn't it say would be easier..
posted on 29/11/13
what a muppet
hope the caaant banned for life
posted on 29/11/13
Such a dozy caant!
This time for good
posted on 29/11/13
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 29/11/13
comment by Greatteamswinit4times (U6008)
posted 6 seconds ago
I didn't want him banned, I said that to admin but it appears he has been moderated again.
He produced a massive list of all the things he thinks mean that the latest Hillsborough findings are almost a conspiracy against the police and how it is outrageous that the original findings are being ignored.
He had loads of quotes and links to websites to back it all up.
I have no issue with that being his opinion, just don't post that rubbish on here. I know for a fact there is at least one person on this site who lost family there. They don't need to see any BS like that. And it is BS.
so if you dont want to see it why do you keep bringing it up and provoking it?
posted on 29/11/13
The man's a fackin clown
posted on 29/11/13
It's not his job to disprove or prove the event, I've been to Anfield and the memorial, before that I wasn't that interested, after seeing thousands of people pass it and touch it, saying a few words, it moved me!
posted on 29/11/13
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 29/11/13
Reading back it's obvious, you just asked him how he got back on the site after being banned