I'm aware we could do worse than Liverpool tomorrow but heck we'll be playing a better team than you did and at a place where away teams scarcely come away with points.
What happened to your title winners Got_Better? How many times do I have to prove you wrong? On the old 606 in 09/10 I correctly predicted that you would drop out the top 4, that we would beat you at SB and that you wouldn't get out of your CL group in 09/10 and you laughed at me.
The reality that you aren't world beaters is probably starting to sink in so I'll go easy but you'll be in for a rude awakening at the Emirates come next Saturday.
Anyway enjoy your weekend!
Where's Got_Better?
posted on 13/8/11
haha, Pool fans resorting to the predictable social insults. What's wrong? Team didn't back up all yr smack today???
posted on 13/8/11
At least 10 lol articles because your rival drew a match,just pathetic,what a bunch of complete and utter losers
posted on 13/8/11
What's wrong? Team didn't back up all yr smack today???
Nah blud u get me ye
posted on 13/8/11
Steady on now. 'Rivals' is taking it a bit too far, don't you think?
posted on 13/8/11
Bubbles have you saw RAWK?
Jerk moderator. Found drunk in charge of a bread roll @ Anderlecht away. Serves his whoppers with a satisfying smile.
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Re: Liverpool 1 - 1 Sunderland, (Suarez, Larsson) 13 Aug 11, BST 15:00 Kick-Off
« Reply #609 on: Today at 05:12:09 PM »
Just a warning - Needless slating of any player just to seem BIG will result in a ban.
posted on 13/8/11
hehe, u honesty have no idea how funny a resident of Liverpool calling anybody a 'chav' is do you??? Go change into a cleaner tracksuit and get yourself a job before replying to me again. Cheers
posted on 13/8/11
posted on 13/8/11
I would never cheat on Don
posted on 24/3/12
posted on 24/3/12