Hope today's match is enjoyable for everybody. Have you sold many tickets? We have a lovely new ground to add to your match day experience.
Have a good day lads.
Today's Match...
posted on 24/12/13
You two need to meet up in some remote part of Indonesia, spend two days trecking, sit in a two-man hide - and spot the living shìte out of some rare birds.
I'll keep you updated on the football
posted on 24/12/13
Alas it would be futile unc, i helped a few people like Bute yesterday, you try to help them but they are unresponsive and all you end up feeling is pity.
Anyway, i shall continue living in the now and supporting what the future holds rather than clinging desperately to the past.
Hope you enjoy your game at the weekend unc, i shall indeed be in tropical landscapes at that point, trekking Volcanoes and cloud forests
posted on 24/12/13
Couldn't have picked a better match. If they can't rise at home to Orient in front of a full house - whatever the outcome - there is something wrong.
posted on 24/12/13
Probably be somewhere like central Mayanmar where the numerous species of woodpeckers live. Was reading about them only this afternoon. I have a pal from there who's a big knób in Mayanmar Tourism and we meet up in London every November.
Cinci, I've never asked you this, but can you eat a burger, and read a newspaper at the same time? Well that's like enjoying the present, and still being able to remember the good times under Barnwell, McGarry, McCarthy etc.
I'm not saying they were the greatest ever managers. Buckley and Cullis would probably have a better claim, although football was a lot easier then, with groups of players chasing a pig's bladder around the pitch.
As far as players at McCarthy's disposal goes, we don'y know how his hands were tied. I'm sure he'd have liked to have recruited Messi, Suararez, Van Persie etc., but I'm not sure the board would have sanctioned it.
posted on 24/12/13
I hope it's a rousing display for your sake unc, something to have in your mind with future displays you pick up on the radio.
posted on 24/12/13
Edwards is brilliant on the radio.
posted on 24/12/13
Merry Christmas Cinci
Here's to promotion in 2014
posted on 25/12/13
I can't find my pants.
posted on 25/12/13
I can't find the England team for Sydney.
posted on 26/12/13
Maybe they're pants?