Now I am a big user of twitter as I am sure some of you are, and it has really annoyed and disgusted me recently is the treatment that Stan Collymore is recieving from so called football fans giving him racist abuse. Some of the comments are vile and I don't get why people are doing this. Not only is the abuse awful, but it puts a bad name on the rest of us who are nice people who are just football fans. Such a major issue is society, no matter what people say, racism is so rife within our society.
posted on 20/1/14
Think you have to find a separation between real racists ie EDL/BNP/UKIP and morons who think its clever to use racist abuse to offend.
posted on 20/1/14
That's true , but that's a worry then, that people are stupid enough to think its funny and clever
posted on 20/1/14
100% agree - I am 57 years old, was brought up in a rough area of Glasgow and have been round the block a few times - but some of the vile stuff he has been sent shocked me
posted on 20/1/14
Racism along with many other prejudices will always exist. Unfortunately it's human nature and will never be changed.
Ignore it
posted on 20/1/14
Racism is usually the last resort of the thick and nasty,all over the world.
A little more worrying when fundamentalists are at it.
Folk will always abuse each other,and skin colour is simply a lazy,vile option for idiots.
posted on 20/1/14
Nah ignoring it is dangerous. Any racist abuse should be reported be it online or in the street its a criminal offence let your plod deal with it.
I do argue though that what you see on twitter although vile and offensive isnt imo real racism in action if that makes sense to anyone? By real racism I mean open discrimination based on the colour of someone's skin denying them housing, employment, equal opportunities etc etc. Scùmmy wee naffs or keyboard warriors on twitter I hope arent in the position to do any of the previously mentioned.
posted on 20/1/14
Spot on chu,and that goes for anti-white racism in the UK,and US,as it tends to be underplayed.
No point replacing what happened to black and Asian folk,with hatred of white folk.
Religious prejudice should also be addressed and highlighted.
We ignore the rise of fundamentalism at our peril,just as ignoring natzis created problems.
posted on 20/1/14