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Time to talk the Superbowl - Go Broncos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Castle Arms Live
posted on 2/2/14
I think we may be in the 30's in scoring.
posted on 2/2/14
How old are you Cinci? I'm 38
posted on 2/2/14
i am also 38
i reckon it will be 24-17 to the good guys
posted on 2/2/14
actually make that 27-17
posted on 2/2/14
Yeah thinking the same sort of score at least cinci.
posted on 2/2/14
I hate both teams. Well, I hate the Broncos, but I hate Pete Carroll and not necessarily the Seahawks.
I was 11 seconds away from winning $3,000 last year! If I win money this Superbowl, I couldn't care less who wins
posted on 2/2/14
I'm wondering why Grayskull loves the Broncos.
Nothing to do with colours, is it?
posted on 2/2/14
Already covered this numerous times. Was a Broncos fan from being a kid in England 28 years ago. Didn't know the significance of it then from a Rangers point of view. Thankfully I wasn't surrounded by all that p@sh down south. But carry on believing what you want.
It was a total fluke. I must admit was never going to pick a team who wore just Green.
posted on 2/2/14
Someone's struck a nerve
posted on 2/2/14
Not really, I'm just having my right of reply. Am I not allowed to reply on my own thread now?