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Browse: Boxing  Welter weight 
Article Rating 3.4 Stars

Shut the fack up Pactards

These weird set of species for some reason have come out of hiding.. How the world was a better place when Marquez sent them and their idol into sleeping beauty for a few months. Trying to have a pop at Mayweather and his opponent this May. Do these clown remember their hero Manny Pacquiao fighting 3 shocking fighters in a row in the form of Clottey, Margarito and Mosley and then having the facking nerve to defend it. This was when some people laughable claimed he was the best in the world.

At least Maidana is coming off a big win and Mayweather couldnt win either way. Got a backlash from the haters if he choose either guy. The backlash for Khan was bigger because the perception was he hadnt earned the Mayweather sweepstake. Would rather see Khan but like I said Mayweather cant win.

If Mayweather has to fight Golovkin and Martinez why does Pacman get excused? You said he is better than Floyd so dont you dare bring size into it. If he is good enough to beat Mayweather for you then he is good enough to fight Martinez and Golovkin. Oh wait it's one rule for Mayweather and another for Manny. I guess Golovkin is ducking Stevenson and Ward ducking Marco Huck by their stupid logic.

posted on 25/2/14

Are there many "pactards" on this site? I can only think of one who you might be referring to.

posted on 25/2/14

There's 2 who have him P4P number 1

posted on 25/2/14

Respected....I think it's just one demented idiot who gets kicked of sites ad nauseum for his mad ramblings.......and a lost little boy called Kamran who is desperately looking for a Father figure........and has clung on to the wrong guy !!

Apart from that this place seems ok..........

I think most sensible types know d4 is not to be taken seriously.......You will always have some impressionable young boys... but they'll grow out of it...

posted on 25/2/14

and a lost little boy called Kamran who is desperately looking for a Father figure........and has clung on to the wrong guy !!
He's a lost billy no mates that only comes out of his lonely lifestyle to discuss his shi..ite boxing knowledge with his 'mate' D4.

posted on 25/2/14

mirpur are truss are forming a great relationship.

Not bumming Floyd is a crime in the eyes of these two fanboys. All must believe Floyd's lies and accept everything he does.

pair of gimps

posted on 17/3/14


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