All speeds are the same, you have to see from the eye point of the animal, in which size, to know.Have you ever seen a baby seagul, Seriously. A mum or dad seagul was hating @ me, then I saw a baby one trying to walk around. I threw a stone at the mum one, but it flew away. So i remembered.
When you try and hit a fly, it always gets out the way.
Cause it see's things slower.
Thats why elephants look slow. BUT, to them, everything is at a normal speed.
Life at what speed
comment by TheSkins (U3865)
posted on 6/6/11
Were you the guy who loved to ?
comment by oOg(Ö_ö)nzOo²©®™ (U1023)
posted on 6/6/11
Nah that was Sog...
comment by Jay The Merciless - Serial Cuellar (U5035)
posted on 6/6/11
All speeds are relative to the observer and so are not the same. Except for light, which travels at the same speed relative to any observer. This forum shall obey the laws of physics. It's in the fine print.
Oh no, geek alert
comment by oOg(Ö_ö)nzOo²©®™ (U1023)
posted on 6/6/11
Keep going, thats making me hot!
comment by Jay The Merciless - Serial Cuellar (U5035)
posted on 6/6/11
Alright. This place is better than 606 already
comment by Kuki (U6289)
posted on 6/6/11
I've been truly enlightened. I'll be checking for more
comment by Choice City (U6187)
posted on 5/12/11
how we laughed in june, what fun
comment by 8bit (U2653)
posted on 1/2/13
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