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Chuks Aneke

Scored a quality brace against Peterbrough over the weekend despite his team succumbing to a 4-2 defeat.


Really seems to be coming into his stride in recent weeks in terms of goals and overall performances I believe. The question is will he ever be good enough to make it at Arsenal?

Obviously hard to tell seeing as he's playing in league 1 but surely he at least deserves a chance to show his worth in pre-season.


posted on 10/3/14

I wonder if that will be on the Daily Arsenal

The one on Friday was almost positive

posted on 10/3/14

You can only score against what's put in front of you.

posted on 10/3/14

If he's impressing at league 1 level then next season give him a championship or lower PL loan

posted on 10/3/14

comment by FrimBöue (U12551)
posted 8 seconds ago
If he's impressing at league 1 level then next season give him a championship or lower PL loan

This. You cannot promote a youth player on the back of a ok League 1 season. Loan him to a PL club and see how he copes.

posted on 10/3/14

I never said he should play for us next season, just say give him a chance to prove his worth in pre-season.

posted on 10/3/14

i think he was playing upfront in that game, does he always play there for them? 11 goals in 31 games, pretty impressive if it is coming from midfield.

I very much doubt he will be able to make the jump so quickly, he needs to be loaned out in the EPL or championship at least before he can be considered for the Arsenal first team. he has already had 4 loans already and played 80+ first team games and he is 20 years old

posted on 10/3/14

Crewe give him pretty much a free role, and have molded the team around him.
As their manager said, it is unlikely that Chuks would get the same treatment elsewhere. Definitely not at Arsenal.
Think Crewe and Chuks are a perfect fit for the time being.

Would love to see Chuks, JET and Beni Afobe all unite at a club, they would destroy teams together.

posted on 10/3/14

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 1 minute ago
Crewe give him pretty much a free role, and have molded the team around him.
As their manager said, it is unlikely that Chuks would get the same treatment elsewhere. Definitely not at Arsenal.
Think Crewe and Chuks are a perfect fit for the time being.

Would love to see Chuks, JET and Beni Afobe all unite at a club, they would destroy teams together.
Scary prospect that.

posted on 10/3/14

For League 1 defences anyway.

posted on 10/3/14

Strrrrrrrrrike from JET


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