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Nigel...... an apology

Mr pearson at the end of last season i wanted you out and i probably was not alone in that thought but luckily the owners didn't listen to the majority of fans and press pushing for your sacking....you have proven to be the best man for the job. with what happened with the wasted millions when sven had free reigns us leicester supporters had dellusions that because we spent money that we had a god given right to go up..this league is the hardest league in the world we know weve had 9 years in it (and one year in league one lets not mention that) and its not a forgone conclusion that money makes the difference hard work and team spirit make a team and thats what you have built so thankyou nigel for proving not just me but a lot of fellow foxes wrong ..i think the way drinkwater. vardy. and matty james are playing at the moment 100 points is not out of our reach and thankyou for putting a smile back on my face

posted on 12/3/14

I was right about Nigel, I was right about Vardy and I was right about Lloyd. Just saying!

But I was wrong about DD, very wrong

posted on 12/3/14

Good post may the fox. You don't have to apologise for your opinion of course, but it shows humility to admit you got something wrong. I was delighted with NP coming back to the club and defended him on here against some pretty damning articles from JG and co, but lost faith towards the end of last year.

I honestly thought the job of rebuilding a squad for promotion of a tight budget was too big for him, delighted to be wrong.

posted on 13/3/14

Don't really believe in all this revisionism. If many of us criticised Pearson last year, and likewise wanted rid of Vardy, that's because they were both performing very poorly indeed. They are both now doing much better. Good, and thank heavens, and well done both.

But that doesn't mean that the calls for their binning last year were misplaced. Indeed they were very well grounded.

posted on 13/3/14

I guess you're right Malling... if you live in a world where you expect over night success and can't see past the end of your nose.

posted on 13/3/14

Absolutely,True Blue, absolutely!

posted on 14/3/14

If I ever believed in overnight success,TB, following City since 1968 would have cured me. Overnight calamity, such as Pearson delivered this time twelve months ago, is much more familiar.

Oh but of course, we're pretending that never happened.

posted on 14/3/14

You mean getting into the play offs losing in a crazy few final seconds?

posted on 14/3/14

I was thinking more of the tossing away of automatic promotion. But you won't remember.

posted on 14/3/14

Actually I don't, positions change all season and game to game, being in automatic position in, what was it February isn't actually throwing anything away as though it was already won.

posted on 15/3/14

You remember it what ever way makes you happy, TB.

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