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Oxford vs Cambridge

for administrator....can you give this on multi board please, I be very appreciate. thanks a lot
headline said it all lol
pick the place where would you rather live and why???
or any other similar place such as that1. I like history, architecture, nice pubs, no traffic jam, nice people etc. I am tired of leaving in big cities so just something small around 200k population.
any advise I can get from you guys is more then welcome. thanks in advance

posted on 12/3/14

Oxford for me, love it. We used to borrow a weekend flat over looking the canal in a lovely area called Jerico. To be honest I was always there during long weekends, was lucky with the weather and had a great flat to borrow so I was in a good mood. I remember thinking at the time I could happily live there.

I went to Bath at the weekend, very nice too, it looks great, is full of history and the pubs had a really nice friendly vibe. It may be a bit small for some, Oxford has a better balance for me.

Again small but the Cotswolds is great, we stayed with friends in Bourton-on-the Water and it is picture postcard, the difference down there is as you drive about from town to town absolutely everywhere is stunning. I thought Kent was nice but you get good looking town then an ugly one and so on, Cotswolds seems exclusively lovely every where you go.

What about towards the south coast? Somewhere like Chichester or the New Forrest.

posted on 12/3/14


posted on 12/3/14

I lived in Oxford, before moving to Leicester. Oxford is a lovely place, with lots of nice villages and towns around it. However the town centre is small, and there is not a lot you can do. The Architecture is beautiful, pu though are only ok.

For me, if I could live anywhere, I would probably live in Scandinavia. My girl friend his Finnish, so I have been there a lot, and I have also been to Norway too, and in my opinion they are almost perfect places to live right now.

posted on 12/3/14

That depends, it has a lot to offer, brilliant quality of life but it is not for everyone. I actually have some Danish roots so know the region.

I have friends currently working in Oslo who aren’t very happy there, the pay is brilliant especially if you can get in to the oil industry but the cost of living is ridiculous, a beer can cost more the a tenner in a regular bar. Also culturally I know they struggle, they find them a bit uptight and lacking humour.

There are plus points of course, the natural beauty is breath taking, the fresh air and lifestyle, statically as well they live very well doctors per capita etc.

posted on 12/3/14

comment by Bluedroog - No. 1 Was Robert Fleck (U17596)
posted 58 minutes ago
That depends, it has a lot to offer, brilliant quality of life but it is not for everyone. I actually have some Danish roots so know the region.

I have friends currently working in Oslo who aren’t very happy there, the pay is brilliant especially if you can get in to the oil industry but the cost of living is ridiculous, a beer can cost more the a tenner in a regular bar. Also culturally I know they struggle, they find them a bit uptight and lacking humour.

There are plus points of course, the natural beauty is breath taking, the fresh air and lifestyle, statically as well they live very well doctors per capita etc.


True, the cost of living is insanely high due to how much they tax everything. Winters can be depressing too, as you are getting up and its dark, and then going home from work/school and its dark. However I read the happiest countries in the world are now Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. So it can't be too bad. The humour in Finland is pretty good I have found, they also like to drink, so going out with them can be pretty fun

posted on 12/3/14

Ronny was born and now lives in Oxford again.

Ronny still manages to get to Chelsea games thanks to his job and having more time available to make the journey to London.

The real question is,

UK or America?

Personally, I'd choose America.. But the things I'd miss would be 1, Chelsea 2, my family and 8. My gf...

But hey, I'd get some American chick, they love it

posted on 12/3/14

Personally, I'd choose America.. But the things I'd miss would be 1, Chelsea 2, my family and 8. My gf...

But hey, I'd get some American chick, they love it


posted on 12/3/14

I've lived in these small places before, gets very boring quickly. Nothing beats London for me, just zoo much always available to do. But if I had to choose, I'd say Oxford.

I lived in Bognor Regis before, and a village near it called Barnham. Very nice place.

posted on 12/3/14

I had a friend who went to Oxford and one who went to Cambridge (Southampton, thank you for asking).

Oxford was alright but somehow Cambridge just had a better feel about it. It seemed a bit more alive if that makes sense.

posted on 12/3/14

thanks for info. its hard to make an decision sometimes and that's why we have all sorts of forums, literature or friends who we can gain advises. I lived in Kent early in year 2000. I very much like Canterbury however since then I kind of lived on many places, couldn't find my peace somehow. I live in Norway nowdays but life is unpredictable I guess. i just want to find a place i be very happy, stay there for while, just to have a pure quality life, it has nothing to do with money, to have enough pay my bills, explore surrounding areas, meet nice people, people you can learn from or share your knowledge etc. i know that this time anywhere i go...Australia or England= no more moving for me.

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