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How Wenger Can Redeem Himself

If we do end up stuck with him in the summer which we can do nothing about then there will be 'musts' in his next season big demands from the supporters as it won't be coming from the board.

He'll have to finish this season positively that is by getting top 4 and landing the FA cup. Then a very productive summer and I swear no excuses (value, lack of available quality etc) should be accepted otherwise our first day discontent (Vs Villa at home) will have to be severely repeated.

Then the targets for me to forgive our recent years of mediocrity, bottling, failure and unforgivable showings vs the top teams will be for him to land either of the CL/EPL simple as that unless we got top 4 and did a FA Cup and Capital One Cup double. The 2 most prized trophies are the minimum target now we've waited long enough.

If any less than ALL of these demands are met then we'll have to force him out I'm afraid, our useless board do nothing and we've become the new dictators of this club hence Arsene's reluctance to sign a deal (as he has now decided to please the fans). The fact that he honours the contracts that Arsenal will always allow him to see out I'd rather he signed a 1 year deal but it would maintain the uncertainties about his future we've had this year.

Wenger likes to silence the fans for a minute then continue to operate in the same failed manner he's has done prior and I fear he'll do this if we win the FA Cup.
Don't forget last season when the pressure was really on the board kept the fans briefly quiet by announcing our new financial muscle. Then when the supporters got mad again we suddenly got Ozil which distracted from the real issues in our team. The 2011 summer fiasco.... No more excuses we have to remember where we went wrong and finally address them this summer

Oh yeah and also the medical department must be sorted out how many times are we going to use injuries as an excuse for Wenger's failure

posted on 22/4/14

Cast your mind back to the pre-season, talk was rife about how Arsenal would be lucky to finish 8th. Spurs will finish above us, blah blah blah.
Those expectations were because we were inactive in the market compared to those being touted to finish above us. We need to put ourselves higher not hold onto our beloved 4th spot.

posted on 22/4/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 24 minutes ago
Yeah Kam Porter is in serious shape, got great shoulders and definition on the upper body, I hope he ruins Brook.

Paulie looks like he's got the media career in the bag already, plus he's a great commentator and gives so much insight into a fight.
Looks to me like it's not just your ma who's after "a real man"

posted on 22/4/14

comment by Thatman (U18423)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
Cast your mind back to the pre-season, talk was rife about how Arsenal would be lucky to finish 8th. Spurs will finish above us, blah blah blah. Top 4 and (hopefully the FA Cup) will be a significant improvement on original expectations. The real problem is the divide between the fans, creating a poisonous atmosphere at the club. Wenger is a top, top manager. Yes he may appear to be tactically naive, he may be too loyal to his players and he may be a tad covetous but there are few managers out there who can attract the players like he can (albeit ones he won't pay for!) and his general experience in the EPL is priceless. I say be careful what you wish for, I agree Wenger needs to make some big changes but I'm prepared to see what he has planned for the pre-season before demanding change....saying all that he'll probably walk after (hopefully) winning the FA Cup and go out with some glory remaining.

I agree 101% with this....Best response to a WOB article.....

posted on 22/4/14

One star for drivel.
Who EXACTLY do you think Wenger should have bought, had he been bothered?

posted on 22/4/14

How Wenger Can Redeem Himself ?


There is ABSOLUTELY no possibility of that happening now!

For me, there is no circumstance where I would want Wenger to stay either !

W E N G E R !..... O U T !!!

posted on 22/4/14

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 hour, 59 minutes ago
comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 24 minutes ago
Yeah Kam Porter is in serious shape, got great shoulders and definition on the upper body, I hope he ruins Brook.

Paulie looks like he's got the media career in the bag already, plus he's a great commentator and gives so much insight into a fight.
Looks to me like it's not just your ma who's after "a real man"


posted on 22/4/14

Wenger is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. He has almost a decade of no trophies against his tenure at Arsenal and statistically speaking, George Graham was a better manager for you at this point. If he leaves, he has left with his legacy in tatters and if he stays, he doesn't have the time + skill to make up for his failings.

Sad that if he had left in say, 2008, he would have gone down as a true great of the English game. But now, he can only be looked at as, at best, the weakest of the top managers who've worked in the PL era, and at best, a has been who refused to change his ways and sacrificed the club he was supposed to make successful for his personal beliefs and failings.

posted on 23/4/14

This article is so stupid and symptomatic of why a lot of fickle stupid fans are leaving a lot of true fans disillusioned. So basically unless arsenal are the best team in the world next season Wenger should be sacked? Better than all the oil clubs with unlimited funds and super clubs like real and barca?

You absolute moron.

posted on 23/4/14

Why do all these new fans have such a sense of entitlement? Why do arsenal have a god given right to be the best. The only reason we are at the level we are at is Wenger do you understand this. You are saying unless he can push us to the top he should be sacked but do you realise how difficult it is to have us at the level we are at consistently. Have you been watching United?

I say it again and again Wenger is a victim of his own success. Because he teases us with over performance in the league this year and title wins in his first full season, morons like yourself think this is the norm and we are entitled. We have no right to have not finished lower than 4th for 17 seasons in a row it's is a miracle not the norm

posted on 23/4/14

Exactly. I stay out of these arguments, they are generally short of rational argument.

Wenger does a good job. One day he'll leave, and hopefully the next guy will do a good job.

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